"Toward the end of season 3, Sloane makes the comment to Jack that as long as he and Sydney are alive nothing else matters. I think that Sloane used Jack to find the location of the Passenger. Rambaldi would only reveal her location to her father, and when Sloane broke the hourglass and activated the brain wave device Sydney and Jack were there with him. I think Sloane has known all along that Jack is Nadia's father, but has used Jack and Sydney to fulfill Rambaldi's endgame."
I think Brittany makes a very valid point, but I would like to take it a step further. It is possible that Sloane manipulated Jack and Sydney into believing that Nadia is Sloane's daughter. Perhaps all the information about only the Passenger's father being able to know how to find the Passenger could have been made up in order for Sloane to follow through on Rambaldi's end game. Sloane had to make Sydney believe that he was the only one who could find her sister. And Sloane knew Sydney would be mad at Jack if he didn't somehow prove Sloane innocent and prevent him from being executed. He knew Jack would save him and that together the team would search for the Passenger. Perhaps both Jack and Sydney could have read the green goo from the hourglass if they knew what symbols to look for or how to read it.
Sloane then uses Nadia as an explaination for why he has given up Rambaldi. It is a great cover, considering he supposedly lost a daughter which threw him into Rambaldi in the first place. Furthermore, we know Sloane has always had a soft spot in his heart for Sydney and he told Dr. Barnett that he hoped her determination and strength had come from him. Nadia might be fulfilling some sort of personal prophecy for Sloane; he has always wanted a child- and the fact that Nadia is linked to Rambaldi is even better. This would explain why he has invested so much in protecting her and searching for a cure- unless Nadia needs to be cured in order for Rambaldi's end game to be revealed.
Also, we have to take into account all the ambiguous lines and looks between Sloane and Jack and Jack and Irina, which would lead us to believe that Nadia could in fact be Jack's. I don't believe the writers would have mentioned the possiblity if they didn't wanted us to doubt Nadia's paternity.
What do you think? I know we have discussed this before, but I think Brittany cast a new light on it.
oh I hope you're right! Jack's way cooler, lol. Could Sloane really be evil enough to use Nadia in such a cruel way?
I know what you mean about the 4.21 episode...if you watch it again...you'll see jack looking confused before the scene changes...almost like, if it is true, he doesn't know.....interesting thought indeed.
then again, Irina may be referring to herself! lol, she would! Like, Nadia either got her good traits from her or Sloane, and maybe she meant to slam Sloane in this sense...but I hope my first jab was correct.
There's another promo out?? sweet!! Hopefully it will be on during Lost this week. :)
I've thought for a while that Jack is really Nadia's father because of many of the points you guys raised, and for me it also was confirmed w/ Irena's comment to Jack about "I wonder where she gets that from". I've never thought about the theory that Sloane could already know this and just be manipulating Jack and Syd. It's definitely plausible, but it seems Sloane's feelings for Nadia and his anxiety over being the one who made her ill are very genuine. I like seeing that side of Sloane because it makes him an even more complicated villian. You can sympathize w/ him instead of just dispising his existance. I'm hoping they don't drop that plot question because that's a pretty big one. With Nadia coming back for some episodes that gives me hope that they might resolve it. I do think though that if Nadia is really Jack's that Sloane doesn't know, then again he could just be deceiving anyone like the evil genious he's always been.
I saw the second promo last night as well. Soooo good! So hard to tell who is who and if they just looped the scenes together and added dialoge. Either way, I am pumped! Like I have always said, I love me some evil Sloane. Ron Rifkin plays the most manipulative villian ever. It would really disappoint me if they didn't bring some of that evil back for the finale. It would be classic!
Great article, I totally agree with your theories.
Here's my 2 cents : Sloane took a bullet for Jack in season 3 and saved his life, it was before they searched for Nadia, Sloane obviously needed Jack alive for something, I think he needed Jack to be there when he broke the hourglass to find Nadia
In season 2, when Sloane got the di regno heart and kidnapped Jack, he put him in a room with some kind of IV stuck in his arm next to another room with some Rambaldi artefact, may be he needed Jack's DNA to find Nadia, and he got it that way.
Finally, I just can't see Irina forgeting her birth control on the very night she had to screw Sloane, she must have been extra careful with her pill, and in case of an unwanted pregnancy, I think she would not have hesitated to abort. If she wanted to have Sydney , there is no reason for her to have a child with another man,and if Sydney was an accident, I can't see her make the same mistake twice with 2 diferent men, especially given that she can't stand the second one.
During his trial this season, Sloane asked Jack to take care of Sydney as if she were his own daughter, I see it as another clue, and Sloane just can't have become obsessed with Rambaldi only to find years later that he had fathered the chosen one, it's way too lame ! The possibility that he just pretended to be reformed and that he views Nadia as the perfect conduit to Rambaldi is much more appealing and much more believable !
interesting thoughts! especially about Jack's DNA etc.
When did Sloane tell Jack to watch over Syd? Season Five, you said?
Actually, Sloane told Jack to watch over NADIA like she were his own daughter. Not Sydney. He said to him when he thought he was going to be executed, but then he got off because P5 benefactors paid off the panel.
So sorry, I meant that Sloane had asked Jack to take care of Nadia of course ! I loved the expression on Jack's face when Sloane was released after his trial, Victor Garber truly is an amazing actor !
I literally just watched that scene & decided to Google if Jack is Nadias Father, that was definitely implied by saying "I wonder who she gets that from" with that smirk. Even Jack looks confused like he is wondering if that's what she was implying, it would have been good if they confirmed this but it's just another unanswered question left for us to ponder. I would like to believe she was Jacks Daughter & Sidney was her full Sister, sadly they had to kill her off which they always do especially when you like the character. They should make an Alias Movie with Sidney & Michaels children who are now grown up & working for their own special agency, their parents are still happily married & sometimes help them on missions plus their Aunt Nadia is still alive due to some magic Rambaldi cure. That's just what I'd like to see though lol, there's definitely a few shows I'd like to bring back to get a better ending on & to explain the lose ends the show always leaves.
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