Congratulations to Kevin Weisman and his wife, Jodi! Jodi gave birth yesterday to a 7lb. 1oz. baby girl the couple has name Maya Rose. As we all know, Kevin Weisman plays everyone's favorite genius, Marshall Flinkman.
The Alias set must be crawling with little ones!! Congrats!
Congratulations, Kevin and family!
Awww. That's great. I'm happy that those over on the Alias lot have great things to take up their time after Alias comes to it's end. Babies are a handful sometimes and make for great distractions, which I know will make it easier, especially from changing a five year routine.
That's wonderful, thanks for posting the good news! Funny enough I was watching Charmed reruns the other day and the episode that was on had Kevin playing some kind of demon. It was funny seeing him in another role, he'll always be sweet Marshall to me! :)
Oh I used to watch Charmed a few years ago I have the full collection on DVD, I will have to try find out which episode he was in. I agree I can only see him as Marshall the sweet, kind, funny guy who has a heart of gold, I don't think he'd suit being a Demon lol.
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