Holy COW! What a moment! We knew it was coming, but Vaughn and Sydney didn't and their facial expressions in that split second were amazing, right before Vaughn grabbed Sydney and they dove off a cliff.
This moment changed everything, not only for Sydney Bristow and Michael Vaughn, but for Alias as a hole. We lost a bit of our girl Syd, but in the end, we gained an adorable SpyBaby and a satisfying end to Sydney and Vaughn's long love affair- a daughter... and a son.
This was a good moment. When thinking about the best Vaughn/Syd moments, I've gotta go with Season 1 and Season 2. I think it must be that they were really an item and that came out in their on-screen relationship. After they broke up (in real life - ho hum), they always felt distant to me (as their characters were in Liberty Village). So this scene was really cool with them finding out mid-mission that they were pregnant and then jumping off the cliff together was a great stunt/special effect. But for me, I just didn't feel the love anymore. In the Vaughn S5 shows, I was really looking for a dramatic, tear-jerker, I haven't seen you in a year, I had your baby while you were away, you are the love of my life reunion after Syd shot Anna in the P5 room. Alas for me, it was kind of like, "hey how have you been (hug/stiff kiss)?"
Incidentally, weren't you all looking for more dramatic reunions between Vaughn/Marshall and Vaughn/Dixon too? I mean these guys are a small team who put their lives on the line for/with eachother everyday. I loved Marhsall's reaction (I knew it!), but still was looking for a few more man hugs.
This pic more than any other has made me realize how much I miss Alias. I can go back and watch moments from Seasons 1-4, but can't watch 5 yet, and that makes me realize that 5 is the last season...sigh!
Lhaaheim, great points. Incomplete is a great word. I loved Season 5, especially episode 1, Bob and the post break episodes. There just were some missing moments, but I still loved the shows and am grateful we got an ending of any kind. I loved the Oceans 11 type find Syd and take down Prophet 5/Sloane final missions and I LOVED watching Sloane turn to the dark side again. I also loved when the monk told Vaughn he was a Daddy and we saw him again. Maybe it all felt a little empty because we knew it was ending.
Anyway, totally agree about the reuinions between Vaughn and all the main male characters.
Regarding this scene cap, I guess the whole series has had these type of quick personal moments in the midst of national security missions. These characters have tiny personal lives, so these scenes are appropriate. The only exception would be Season 1 and 2 with the great Will/Francie/Syd relaxed moments, but still Syd was always being called away by Joey's Pizza or going on a trip and missing a lot of hang out time.
I loved how they brought something so personal and delicate as finding out you're pregnant together with the middle of escaping on a mission and having to dive off a cliff, I thought that was pretty brilliant. Especially since the writers knew that the audience would know she was pregnant, it was a good way to still make it a big moment.
What I wonder when I hear people comment on the lack of chemistry or Syd/Vaughn moments in seasons 4-5 is if they would feel the same way if they never knew JG and MV dated/broke up in real life. I suppose ignorance can be bliss sometimes since it would probably be more of an un-jaded perspective...ah well, my ponderings for the day. :)
I started watching Alias really late (Season 4) and didn't know they dated until the end of season 4. I noticed the chemistry thing without knowing they dated, however before I knew I really thought it was the writing and storyline (Syd and Vaughn torn apart by her 2 year absense and Lauren just taking it's toll on them). But then in Liberty Village, when they got together in the shower and in the subsequent episodes it just didn't seem like they were as in synch with eachother. Season 4 writing was so different though and they took Vaughn in an unexpected direction going more solo looking for his father and looking into P5, so maybe it is just the writing? At any rate, I don't care that much - I still totally love Syd and Vaughn and they rate as one of my all time favorite TV couples whether their chemistry is a 10 or a 7.
I think what is really is (for me) is that I just love this show and want more depth and story and want it to go on and on. I don't feel like they ran out of stories to tell they way you sometimes feel when a show is on for one season too long. I would have loved to see more of Syd and Vaughn's relationship if their had been time. Sorry to ramble about this! Sadly, I think about this way too much : )
I totally understand and agree Kelly!
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