Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Scene Cap of the Morning

"Not if I see you first, love."
Man! What a fantastical moment!! (Is fantastical a word?) After Sark is captured and transported back to the United States, Lauren orchestrates an extraction. Sydney and the gang are able to untangle one of Sark's cell phone conversations in which he says, "Not if I see you first, love." The group is convinced that the person on the other end of that phone call is both the mole and the person that broke Sark out of custody.
Later, in the Rotunda, Jack overhears a conversation between Vaughn and Lauren, in which Lauren states, "Not if I see you first, love." Jack knows! Jack knows who the mole is. Now all he has to do is convince everyone else, even Lauren's father, the Senator.
I love this scene! I completely believe that Jack would pick up on those words, that he would peice the puzzle together. Jack was never a huge fan of Mrs. Reid-Vaughn, so it fit perfectly! I also love Jack's talk with Vaughn about the signs that his wife might be betraying him. Vaughn and Jack don't have the best relationship, but Vaughn respects Jack and begins to pick up on the clues.


RUDY said...

I LOVE THIS SCENE TOO and the talk Jack has with Vaughn. Brillant. It really starts developing the context and atmosphere with those two characters. They can now find something to relate and build off of each other..beside Syd -- that's more of a reason for their distance. Not love of Syd, but betrayal brings them together. BETRAYAL. That's something huge and completely telling of their chraacters...IMO.

** I hope this makes sense; I'm not good at putting myself into words.

Girlscout said...

No, totally makes sense. Very good Rudy!

Anonymous said...

This is a great one! I love that Jack found out about her, but hate that he couldn't do anything about it! I was thinking why in the heck did he bring this to Senator Reed first?! He should have brought it to someone else first to guarantee that she would get what was coming to her...he didn't owe the Senator anything, so why go to him?

Kellie said...

That is a good question. Wasn't the senator investigating The Covenant? I guess simplicity of storyline would say that Jack went to the person who was heading up (?) the investigation.

But, if you are a person who knows people and how they might react like these spies do, you would think Jack might have anticipated the resulting events (death of the senator, etc.) as possible scenarios. Telling the senator also takes the contol out of Jack's hands (senator would likely handle this behind closed doors since Lauren is family) which is peculiar since he seems to like to be in control.

Seems like Jack could have told Dixon (was he the Director still?) and they could have worked out a sting or something to reveal Lauren like they later did. But then the storyline wouldn't have played out with as much complexity or craziness as it did! It was sad that Syd and Vaughn weren't together, but I loved Lauren and her devious ways, and I loved how close Jack and Syd were in Season 3. I also LOVE that Vaughn and Jack are parallel characters, both betrayed. But Jack didn't have a Syd - Laura was his Syd which is much worse than being betrayed by your second choice.

Kellie said...
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SKlaft said...

Senator Reed was the chairman over the committee that funded thier branch of the CIA. Jack went to him with these concerns as a professional curtasy, knowing that his daughter being a traitor to her country would have huge political ramifications.


Anonymous said...

It is just that Jack really didn't seem to have a whole lot invested in Lauren, or care what happened to her, because she was in direct competition for Vaughn, and Vaughn makes Syd much as Jack said he disliked Vaughn, I would have thought getting rid of Lauren would be a good thing in Jack's eyes, and it would have made Syd happy. Just one of those things, I guess.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Robertron, he did it as a courtesy. And as a father himself, he is probably hoping that if anything should surface about Syd of that magnitude, that he is the first one to know about it and that he is given the files so he can review it himself...