Friday, July 21, 2006

Last Chance Saloon

Hi All,

Don't forget, today is your last chance to turn in entries for First Annual Let's Talk Alias Favorite Awards. This week, we are voting on season 2. For a list of categories, scroll down to the article titled "Drum Roll Please." I posted the winners of the season 1 picks and the categories for the season 2 picks. Have fun and I'll post the winners on Monday!

I am off to Couer D'Alene for the weekend. A little sun and lots of fun. See you all on the flip side!!

PS. I am so glad you are all enjoying the tunes!! I am so happy! How'd you like the stationary? Hehe!


Girlscout said...

No, yours went out for sure and I haven't gotten any back. You live on the exact opposite side of the country- it's going to take longer. I don't think Desi got her's yet either and she is in Indiana. I bet they will be there today or tomorrow. Let me know if they don't though.

Girlscout said...

No, no time limit. You can turn it in all weekend actually, because I won't be back until Sunday.

blah said...

hey guys, this is completly off topic, but i need some help figuring somthing out. In season four when the russian guy wanted irina's journals and it had "sentinel" encoded into them? what was that about? i never got it? y would irina have her evil sister's code name in her journals? explaniation needed, thanks.

Desiree said...

I got mine yesterday...Friday that is. I LOVE IT!!! Even Ryan likes it and that is pretty big that we like the same cd with the same music on it. It is crazy to hear a song and automatically think of the Alias scene it was used in. Good job GS.

RUDY said...

Didn't Jack say to Sloane that "they" were trying to contact or find the sentinal? That's as much as I can remember.

Anonymous said...

I still haven't gotten my CDs yet..just wanted to let you know, and I'm only in Colorado. I hope that they get here soon, since I am going on a trip on Thursday and I want to have them uploaded onto my computer before then!

uncle111 said...

If I remember correctly, Jack took it to mean they were trying to find Irina.

Anonymous said...

Didn't 'Sentinel' have something to do with Elena Derevko? Was that the tip that Jack and Sloan were looking for to let them know Elena was still around?

uncle111 said...

I remember talk about that and that may be correct. It may be that Jack and Sloane took it to mean the Russians were looking for Elena.