In 5 days, Alias- our fabulous, well-written, spectacular, action/drama packed standard of great TV, will be back on the air. I have fresh VRC tapes ready to go. I have my dinner plans mapped out for Wednesday evening and my lap top is charged and ready for blogging as I watch. Sydney, in her pregnant glory, will be back at it with Daddy Dearest, SpyMom and a gaggle of returning friends and foes. The promos and interviews, spoilers and such have been pumping us up for a hell of a farewell, some even saying it will be the best we have ever seen. So, what are we supposed to do with ourselves until Wednesday?
Okay, okay, we’ve done this 500 times it seems, but let’s do it again! Let’s get us a list of questions we want answered… I will start…
1.Who is Rambaldi? How are Sydney, Nadia, Irina and Sloane involved?
2.Who the heck is Renee and what exactly have she and Vaughn been investigating?
5.What does Jack know about Tom Grace? Who was Grace married to?
6.Where was Vaughn and Weiss and what were they doing?
10.If Ana Espinoza is back, how did she get out of CIA custody?
11.Will Syd leave the CIA?
12. What is Baby Bristow-Vaughn's name?
13.Okay, you’re turn….
I will compile all the questions and post them Monday. You can e-mail your questions (girlscout35@hotmail.com) or post them in the comments section. Now, can I get YAHOO, because we have 5 days!
PS. If you didn't know, I am a huge fan of Watch with Kristin on E!Online. She posted a great article today featuring an interview with Kevin Weisman (Marshall Flinkman). This article is why I love that TV Diva!! Check it out... http://www.eonline.com/Gossip/Kristin/Archive2006/060414b.html
Awesome interview with Kevin, and it's leaving me wanting more. I'm so hesitant to go looking for more promos or more interviews because it seems like every one is revealing just a little more. I don't want to be totally spoiled by the end.
As for questions:
Why was Jacquelyn even brought up if we never learned anything about her? That always kind of bugged me to bring up another daughter.
Also, I'm still curious as to the pasts of Grace and Renee. Who are their parents? Have we met their siblings? Any other past histories we should know about?
Where is Katya? Who does she really work for?
Other than these and the ones you mentioned, nothing else really nags at me.
I have a feeling I will be content with the ending. When it's all said and done and the final "ALIAS" flashes on the screen, we'll be satisfied.
I posted this on a previous article, but here it is again: If the "horizon" is connected to SD-6, then why can't P5 just ask Sloane? Is it possible that Sloane didn't even know of SD-6 and the "horizon's" connection? And if the CIA has discovered the "horizon," why don't they get it or protect it? Is it possible that they don't know about it either? Please! Can someone help to fill in the blanks?
And then I added: If Vaughn new, why did they kill him? Would it not have been easier for P5 to go right to the source?
Now: Did P5 jump the gun? Did they kill Vaughn before they knew that they needed him? Well, it appears that that would be a NO because they have been looking for the "Horizon" for 30 years. But maybe...just maybe...they found out that Vaughn was connected to it after they killed him. Who knows!
Just read the interview and I really, really, really hope they haven't over-hyped it.
I believe you have all put together a GREAT list of questions to be answered. Here are 3 that came to me while watching the S5 epi where we find out DiSantis is the one in the box:
1)-How did Renee find out about Prophet 5 and the Mueller Device and how was it that she knew about it years before the CIA did?
2)-Why did Renee think it was her father who was in the box, that being the reason she stole it from DSR (I wonder if she had to take a number or wait in line to get in and steal it?)
3)-DiSantis, speaking in the guise of her father, told Renee that when DiSantis kidnapped him they tortured him, but he never told them where she was. Why did they want her so badly that they spent 23 years trying to find her?
That's the same thing I was wondering Katy.
I really want to know what Project S.A.B. 47 is
Another question i'd like answerd is: what is the connection between Nadia and Lazeray (Sarks Father). Nadia Santos <--> Saint Aidan (Lazeray's Code Name). This has always intreged me.
Okay here is my question-
What did the clock maker mean when he told Sydney "Rambaldi never told me..." is Rambaldi alive, did he gain immortality somehow?
I think we are suppose to believe that the clock maker was centuries old, that he made a clock for Rambaldi when he was alive and that in payment for the clock Rambaldi made it so the clock maker would live for hundreds of years.
I got that idea, too. Made me wonder how.
I am soooooo EXCITED!! I saw an eppy on TBS today! I can't wait!!
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