Thursday, April 20, 2006

Peter, Peter the Prophet 5 Sneaker?

Number one mystery of all time last night? Thomas Grace and his undercover covert side op into the files of Witness Protection. Who is Peter? Who is the Cardinal? And what was the message he just had to deliever?

As far as we know- Amanda Grace was murdered or presumed murdered by the photos in a CIA file. Suspect: Allen Korman. Grace tracks him down and approaches him. Korman knows Grace as Peter and insists that he was ordered to kill Amanda, he had no choice. Grace simply states that he has a message for the Cardinal.

Here is a theory…

It is possible that Grace used the name Peter in a deep cover op. It is also very possible that he had his named changed in order to protect himself from whatever group it was the ordered Korman to kill Amanda. We have to remember that Korman is in Witness Protect, meaning he must have defected from his organization. If the group is P5, that might be why Jack sought out Grace as a member of the team- he has P5 experience and his spouse was murdered by the group (parallel to Sydney and Vaughn). How is that for motivation?

I am beginning to think that Grace is the mole and perhaps Sloane is the decoy the writers used to throw us off. Grace had access to the information on Davenports transportation- he could have slipped it to the Cardinal (see below) and the Cardinal could have passed it on to Irina. If Grace is working with Irina- and Jack is working with Irina, then it all fits nicely into the idea that Jack hired Grace for a reason.

Ooh, Blogger Rudy asks: If Grace is working with Irina, do you think that she gave the order to kill Grace's wife so that she could set up Jack by using the death as a portal for Grace's entrance into APO? Of course this question is centered on the idea that Jack and Irina aren't working together. WOW, Rudy. You think like an Alias writer. That's a great segway- and for some reason, maybe Grace's lack of emotion when seeing his wife's killer, I don't think Grace's wife is dead? Or it was an elaborate set up all together. Maybe Grace never had a wife???

Katya Derevko (because using Black Sparrow would have been too obvious). Let us assume that Irina is working for herself, and like she insisted, she was using P5 to get information on the Horizon. Perhaps she is working along side sister #2, the fabulous Isabella Rosselini! Katya and Irina have always been similar in character. We always knew Elena was bad; her allegiances were only to herself. But Katya and Irina have been very ambiguous and shady in their alliances. I am sure Katya was only using Lauren and the Covenant to get what she wanted- the Rambaldi sphere of life, which Sloane recovered with Nadia and turned over to the CIA. Katya has always been open about being in contact with Irina and working with her. Why not now?

Grace slips Davenport’s transportation information to Katya, who relays it on to Irina and BANG car crash and gun fire, Davenport is dead.

I have mentioned in the past that Irina has a thing for getting rid of the obstacles in her way- Kassinau, the man in the bar in Hong Kong who played the hand/knife game with her, Davenport. She has an agenda and from time to time, Katya has made it known that she is aware of Irina’s plan. Katya even tells Jack that Irina’s purpose will reveal it self.

This is a rough theory. I will be re-watching the episode tonight for more clues. I will probably even have to watch it a third time to set straight all the information.

UPDATE: I am sorry West coasters, I am going to have to postpone our chat until later this evening. I should be online between 7:30-10pm PST. My roomie got a new job and we have some celebrating to do. SO- check in to MSN Messanger at the times above and we can chat away.


SRM said...

Ooo, I like this theory GS! Katya being the Cardinal and relaying info back to Irena makes a lot of sense. Plus if Jack knows that Tom is working w/ Irena, and he is as well, then it would give him reason to trust Grace, which he obviously does by having him look out for Syd.

Oh one thing I have to mention, I love how Jack foiled Irena's attempt to knock him out in the bank. Yeah she ended up getting the Horizon in the end, but those were extenuating circumstances w/ Syd giving birth. Jack had his guard up and it paid off, go spygrandpa!

Ok, back to Grace. If memory serves me right, I don't think Korman said specifically he was ordered to kill Amanda, he just said something like "I was ordered to do it", she was never mentioned. I wonder if there's something else going on there between the two of them and Amanda is just a diversion for the audience...especially since Grace lied to Rachel's face about that whole interaction.

SRM said...

ps - GS you can probably take down the countdown ticker now :)

Andrew said...

Katya's character just never seemed strong enough to me to be the head of anything. But I don't have a better guess right now, so I'll have to keep that in mind when I re-watch the episodes with my brother today.

BTW, I slept in and missed the 8am chat. Is it OK if I join you West Coaster's at 9pm EST?

Anonymous said...

Also, Grace was the one who found Syd on the boat. Maybe just coincidence. Maybe he knew where she was. I'll have to rewatch it and see if something jumps out. Also, remember that Jack knows something about Grace that we still don't know. Is he in cahoots with Irina? Is this what Jack knows? Like GS said, Jack OK-ed the hiring of Grace dispite this secret of his. And if the language was Russian he was speaking, well... Irina is a former KGB, right?

SRM said...

great thoughts birdie!!

Girlscout said...

Nice Birdie!! Great connections! And Andrew, of course you can join West coast chat!

Anonymous said...

New here, love your blog.

I thought that Thomas was speaking arabic or hebrew. But if he has been the mole wouldn't he have had other ways of spreading info? He had to go to a lot of trouble to get a message to the cardinal.

RUDY said...

If Grace is working with Irina, do you think that she gave the order to kill Grace's wife so that she could set up Jack by using the death as a portal for Grace's entrance into APO? Of course this question is centered on the idea that Jack and Irina aren't working together.

Girlscout said...

AWESOME RUDY~ I love the way you think! Very good!I am going to post your question in the article.

Anonymous said...

Another thought, if prophet 5 needed something from the baby why didn't they just do a c-section on the boat? Emergency c-s can be done in under 5 minutes. She was full term so there wasn't a danger in fact a placental eruption would typically be treated by a c-s *not* surgery.

Maybe they already got what they needed when they took a sample of the amniotic fluid. Could this be part of the cure for Nadia? Or does the baby need to grow up to fulfill some sort of unknown prophecy?

Did you notice the doctor when Syd asked if her baby was ok? They ran all sorts of tests and he hesitated before answering. I thought he was hiding something. Maybe they did something to the baby and they don't want syd to know.

If prophet 5 has had the cure and if Irinia is working with/for them why have they held out so long on sloan? You would think that Irinia would want her daughter out of the coma. Of course spymommy isn't like other mothers...

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, Tom Grace (Peter) and Allen Korman was not speaking Russian. They were speaking German.

And why do you think Jack would be so surprised as he was if he in fact had been working with Irina all along? No, I think we can lay that theory aside now. He was just as surprised about seeing her as Syd was.

Girlscout said...

I think not Andreas- Sydney called Jack on the phone when he was in with Marshall. Syd told him Irina was there and he wasn't surprised at all.

RUDY said...

Thanks GS.

Okay. Someone mentioned that maybe Grace's wife isn't dead. A photo doesn't give enough prove, remember season one's SPIRIT episode where Jack and Syd fake Ineni Hassan's death. Or what about season four's ECHOS (i think) episode that has the Syd-as-Anna mission where Syd and APO have to fake some guy's death. Hmmm...makes you wonder about the truth of any photo on Alias, now doesn't it?

Angela said...

Yes, Grace was speaking German. I'm watching the episode again.

Something has struck me this time around--they really wanted us to think something TERRIBLE happened to the baby on the ship--when Dixon found Syd in the infirmary, they didn't show her belly, only bloody wipes, and even when Jack came to visit Syd in the hospital, he acted like he had bad news, then he told her the baby was fine; she'd had a placental abruption.

But I checked, and the only treatment for placental abruption is 1) bed rest or 2) deliver the baby. So the writers definitely exercised a little creative license in this part.

If you're really interested, you can read about PA here:

In any case, I think we COULD say that the placental abruption might be a reason why Syd delivered so quickly in the bank. :-)


Girlscout said...

Thanks Angie! Man I was really hoping Grace was speaking Russian. German huh? Hmmm.

Paul Kremer said...

Here's me to throw yet another crazy idea into the mix!!!

Is it possible that Thomas Grace's wife was a double agent that was sent to the United States to marry Grace? This man said he was "under orders" to kill her, and then the US hid him away in Witness Protection.

That is a little off the wall, of course, and I have nothing concrete to lay down to prove that, but I still have yet to explain the opening scene where the senator is making his recommendation, Jack lifts a page and gets a strange look, and the senator says, "I assume you can deal with that."

Why would an agent be "under orders" to kill Grace's wife, and then get sucked away in US protective custody?

Anonymous said...

HI guys,
I have been reading this blog since fall to feed my Alias longing. Girlscout, thank you for making this such a friendly forum.
I had just 2 comments I wanted to add - 1. Tom Grace and Korman were definitely speaking German
2. Is anyone else bothered by the fact that after the surgery Syd was left on the ship to be retrieved by APO? This is in spite of Peyton's conviction that Syd won't leave the ship and after the great lengths they went to to find her once she escaped after being tortured. Why did they not take her with them? Was Irina already suspicious that they had been given the wrong Horizon info just a few hours earlier?

Eliza said...

Thomas Grace's wife...
well it can't be Renee or Peyton, he has seen them both in person....and we didn't catch any 'reaction'...what if it is anna espinosa? that would be sho.

Jess said...

I also found it odd that someone who killed an agent's wife is now in witness protection. There is obviously something more there. Do we know when his wife died? His wife's death is probably why he has turned down so many team missions prior to APO. So one has to wonder if Grace had been sticking to long term undercover projects, what would make him change his mind and come to APO and work on a team. I really don't trust Grace, he definitly seems to have a hidden agenda as to why he came to work for APO...

SRM said...

welcome another alias fan! In response to your question, I think Peyton and the P5 crew knew APO was coming for Syd, that's why they had to speed up their timetable for surgery so they could escape before APO arrived for Syd.

uncle111 said...

See what you think of this. I came from someone else:
What if the Cardinal is a cardinal of the Catholic Church. Someone
suggested that Rambaldi could still be alive and that the Catholic
Church, or at least a part of it had knowledge of his whereabouts and
the fact that he had never died.

That would mean that an agency of the Church was active in its
protection of Rambaldi. And maybe Tom Grace's previous work dealt with
this. Could the name "Grace" be a hint at this ? Could Jack's
knowledge of this be why he wanted Tom in the first place ?

Rambaldi may even have been kept in some kind of suspended animation until something from Syd's baby was available to wake him.

RUDY said...

All I got to say is whoa!