Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I am a horrible person...

WARNING: The link provided has MAJOR spoilage!

I said I would stop. I even admitted I have a problem, which is the first step towards recovery. But I just can't get over my spoiler addiction! I just can't! If you are with me- then MAN, have I got one for you!!! Check out this link- peruse the photos, you'll see... (copy and paste the link in the address bar).


If you are having trouble putting 2 and 2 together, e-mail me. girlscout35@hotmail.com
I have so much respect and envy for all of you spoiler-free viewers. I love you! PS. Just updated my e-mail address, I had it posted wrong all day!! Oops, if you sent an e-mail try again!


SKlaft said...

Aww, how sweet. Love ya too GS


Anonymous said...

Hmmm.... Yep. Happy, sad and good. We'll see if it is all as it appears.

Girlscout said...

No, it's not about death, it's about the opposite. It's a good, happy thing, it just made me excited, but sad at the same time because the show is over. It is about the finale episode, but it's not about any major plot line.

Anonymous said...

Holy moly! If I'm seeing the pictures correctly (too bad we can't enlarge without logging in) then I'm really happy that's how it'll be. Thanks so much for posting the link GS! I myself am addicted to looking at the spoilers - and I credit this site for showing me where to look! :)

PS - I used to post anonymously, until that post you had a couple weeks ago about all the anons on here. I figured I should get my own screen name since you requested us to, I owed you at least that for being such a great blogmaster! Keep up the great work.

Girlscout said...

Oh thanks, I-Love-Vaughn. Thanks for picking screen name and I was a little worried about posting the spoilers as I thought maybe some of you who didn't want to be spoiled would be tempted. I am so excited!

Girlscout said...

It's okay Jenn. I love everyone regardless if your a spoiler fanatic. I am a little sad I looked too, but a little relieved. Come on, there is still all the good stuff on the middle.

Anonymous said...

It's kind of like purposely sneaking into the closet where you know your Christmas presents are hidden after your parents are gone... You love what you find, but immediately regret doing it. I'm with you Jenn... :)

Girlscout said...

Try it now Liz, I posted it without the 35, I am such a dork!!!