After I posted that long and crazy list of unanswered Alias questions, I had a thought. Alias has had us tied up in confusion, scratching our heads, and boggling our minds since day one. There have been mighty cliffhangers and plot twists that have left us with troubling questions about the past, present and future of Alias and it's characters. We have been in and out of all the possible answers and now many viewers fear that our questions will never be answered in the mere 8 hours of Alias that remain. Some fear disappointment and let down. Some fear they will walk away from May 22nd with a bad taste in their mouth. I say, FEAR NOT! It would not be our loveable, action-packed Alias if they didn't leave us with some mystery, some unanswered questions that will have us chatting until the end of days. They can't give us all the anwers and they probably won't- and truthfully, I wouldn't have it any other way! Leave us with a bit of confusion, leave us scratching our heads and I am all for having my mind boggled. It's why we love the show, it's why we have stuck through the hard stuff, the rough seasons and the murky plot lines. Alias will have it's ending, we will have our ending- with answers, but more importantly, more questions. I think I'm okay with that.
PS. Anyone catch What about Brian? last night? A-MAZ-ING! Way to go JJ, you've done it again. There will be another episode tonight on ABC at 10pm. Check it out!
I guess for me it depends on what questions they choose to answer. Some of the smaller ones, ok no biggie, but regarding huge plot elements like Rambaldi and The Chosen One, I'd be very disappointed if that wasn't cleared up, at least a little bit. I don't like thinking they've been stringing us along for 5 years with this huge Rambaldi mystery, only to leave it hanging, which would make me think the writers really had no direction they wanted to take it. I do understand what you mean about wanting to still be a little boggled, you're right that it would be the show we know and love if it didn't leave us with a few question marks. :)
SRG, I have the sinking feeling that the end of season four was designed to clean their slate. I think that everything we see from here on out will exist in its on plotline. I think the writers wanted us to come up with the plausable explanations and suspend our disbelief regarding everything pre-Season 5. I think there isn't much left of that older C-story (The Rambaldi mysteries), and the B-stories (Syd's relationships)have become the C-stories. (The A-stories are the ones contained within an episode).
I'm all alone on this, but I do not think past questions will even be addressed unless it fits a minor part of an A or B-story, which will be basically new information, new stories, and old tangles are left to us for the unravelling.
We can do it. Alias fans are the smartest TV watchers there are (is that an oxymororn?)
I read a recent Entertainment Weekley article about Alias where they spoke to JJ & Jeff Pinker. They said that they will wrap up the Rambaldi plot line before ending the series, and there's a chance that's they will leave us with a cliffhanger...because there might be future adventures for Sydney!
It was a pretty good article so, check it out at:,6115,1183629_3_0_,00.html
The link got cut off - it should have a ".html" after those two zeroes in the end. Lemme try again (w/o the http://www. this time!),6115,1183629_3_0_,00.html
it's all good - we just like that you surfed our blog (woot)!
What about Brian:
What? No weird contraptions designed by a self-styled 15th century prophet? No brain-wrenching evil schemes?
What? No miraculously-healing islands, and no ground-shaking, people-eating smoke monster? No real-life flashbacks that parallel some fantasy-laden, sureal conflict with madness?
What about Brian?! What about creativity? Common! I expected something of greater quality than an evening-time soap opera.
Give Brian and his best friend 9-mm semi-autos, and let them shoot it out over the girl, and let the girl be a shape-shifter from another planet. Then I'll watch.
Just my opinion, you ladies, are, of course, free to love it.
Hi I Love Vaughn, thanks for the link! I am getting my hopes up again for a spin-off!!
Oh, Robby, you're so dramatic. I love Brian because it's simple- but complicated. Not Alias complicated, but real life complicated. I am so Brian, but female. What about Girlscout?
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