Blogger KatyBird offered a very interesting and plausible theory to the forum yesterday. She stated, “Since the break I've been re-watching season 4 and a question remains unanswered -- what proof do we have that APO is actually affiliated with the CIA? We know that Director Chase convinced her to join, but she had to "quit" the CIA first, severing her ties with the agency. Director Chase is APO's only connection. What if Chase is a double agent, and APO is another SD-6? Do you think that Jack and Syd et al could be duped twice? This would take care of the mole question (though Weiss' leaving would still have to be explained....).”
BRAVO KatyBird- I think you hit it! What do you know about APO, or what circumstances would support this theory? If Chase is running an SD-6 like cell, and she and Dixon are an item, does that support my claim that Dixon is perhaps the mole?
This is one of the best theories I have read on the blog, not that others aren't interesting or possible. What do you think? Let's TALK, TALK, TALK Alias!!
Thank you KatyBird for supporting the blog and posting your theory!!
Iwrote on another forum several months ago that I always thought Chase was bad. I became convinced of it when at one of the ops plannig meetings at APO she okayed Sloane going to find the guy who had the key to putting the big red ball together. That was contrary to Sloane's agreement with CIA, she was the only one who ok it, and it was suspiciously the only ops meeting she attended at APO.
I wonder why she just happened to make it to that meeting? Well, she knew ahead of time what was going to happen. She and Sloane were working together.
I'm with ihaa, while I think it's a good theory I would be very disappointed if they made APO one of the bad guys. It would be way too much repetition in my mind. People thought it was a bit much when it came out Rachel had been part of a SD-6 type scheme, I can't imagine they'd do that to Syd AGAIN. After 5 years Alias still manages to surprise me with twists and turns, I'm hoping the final twist is something new we haven't seen yet and aren't able to anticipate, hopefully that's not just wishful thinking. :-\
Wow! I've been reading, but haven't commented lately!
I have to comment here though. I know several of you have said you'd be disappointed if APO turned out to be bad, but, for me, I think that it would be exactly the ending Alias should have - it came around full circle. I Never once considered that APO wasn't CIA. I've never thought Dixon could possibly be bad. Even with these theories in my head, I will be totally shocked if that is what comes to light.
I just hope, in the end, Syd can find some peace in her life - be in a "real" environment - one that isn't fraught (sp?) with lies, coverups, and questions. Can't WAIT for the ending to begin! (I'm off for Texas for a week, so I'll have some major reading to catch up on when I get back, I'm sure!)
Also a very good point Jenn. How did Dean get access to APO? If it really is a CIA run facility, then would they be checking out who was entering and had access to the information? Hmmm. And yes, Dixon might be being betrayed by Chase. Perhaps when he finds out, we might see the dark side of Dixon.
Yep. The first thing that popped into my mind when I read your article was: if it's not CIA, maybe it would explain how Gordon Dean got in. But we have to remember that APO has contacted Langly(?) countless times. So maybe APO is apart of the CIA, but Chase is a double agent for P5. I mean come on...Syd did a great job at it, why not Chase.
Girscout, thanks for this exciting piece! You make the APO-as-rogue agency theory seem more plausible. Rudy also raises a great point, that if APO is legitimate, then perhaps Chase is not. I also wonder if this storyline will play into Lauren's dying words in season 3:"At least I know who I'm working for." (I was never satisfied by the Jack-killed-Irena storyline as an explanation for Lauren's words). Perhaps this goes beyond APO. What is the larger connection?
Nice tie in KatyBird, what Lauren said about knowing who she is working for. Interesting and it just supports the theory even more. Love it!! Katy- I might have to ask you to join our staff here at Let's Talk. If you ever have time to write an article expanding on the theory, be my guest!!
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