In episode 3.18 “Unveiled,” the gang learns that the Passenger has been seeing a doctor in Milan. Why did the Passenger always see the same doctor in Milan? If Nadia is from Argentina, why was she seeing a doctor in Italy? Does Nadia know who she is? Does she know she is the Passenger? Has she known all along?
According to Conrad the Monk, the Passenger is the Chosen One’s destiny. Destiny tends to mean fortune, fate, luck, future. In what regard can we say that Nadia is Sydney’s destiny?
When Vaughn and Sydney find the doctor (after he has been tortured by Lauren for the whereabouts of the Passenger) the doctor says he has spent years protecting the Passenger and now she is alone. When the doctor sees Sydney he says that she was the one from the prophecy, and that he would not let Sydney hurt the Passenger. As Sydney states in the last episode of season 4, “Some brides want to kill their maid of honor, I am not one of them.” Sydney has been very adamant about not hurting Nadia, that the prophecy is not true, but perhaps we are looking it the wrong way. Nadia was hurt- shot by Sloane, who was protecting Sydney from Nadia in her zombie state. Perhaps this is what the doctor meant, that he had to protect Nadia from Sydney who would inadvertently hurt Nadia.
What are your thoughts on this? We are bound to learn the truth behind Rambaldi and the prophecy, but what do the clues in 3.18 tell us about Sydney and Nadia’s relationship in regards to being the Chosen One and the Passenger?
As much as I want to cling to the prophecy already having been fulfilled with Irina killing Elena, I can't shake the fact that Nadia IS the Passenger. The fact that she located the Sphere of Life proved it. In that case (changing the prophecy from one to both dying set aside) I think that either Nadia or the Chosen One will die.
Now, I'm still not positive that Sydney is the Chosen One...
I am wondering that too. Syd and the gang has been able to disprove the prophecy before, they might be able to get past this one sister may die thing. I don't Nadia will die, it's too predictable with her illness and such. I would love to see Nadia be part of Sydney's life as the show ends, and not as an enemy. Hmm, but I feel like there is something about Nadia we don't know....
I've heard rumblings about Nadia waking and being...well not herself. She's gonna push Sloane, her dad, a little toward the um...evil side. But my thoughts on her waking are: well, I think that she's not going to be the good sister of Sydney. I think that the infection will stick and it'll change her for the worse. I think that she'll push the prophecy to fulfillment. The two will battle, and my thoughts are on the baby. I mean what else would Syd hurt her sister over? "<" and ">" means Nadia and Syd. And we know that "o" means something that they will battle over. I think it's the little one.
That would make sense that they would fight over the baby. We know that P5 wants something from the baby. What if Nadia has been working with P5 all along, or at the least has been manipulated into working towards P5's endgame. If she wakes up and has been changed somehow, maybe P5 will use Nadia to get close to the baby. The baby would definitly be something a mother would fight her sister for
Oh, I agree. Fighting over the baby..that's good. Perhaps fighting over the baby like Irina and Elena fought over Nadia??? I see a parallel storyline coming!
Now. Concerning Nadia and her unknown history. Well, as everyone's been saying...WE DON'T KNOW NOTHING ABOUT HER, except her little history show in season four with Diego (?) and her little own SD-6 job. But what does that really tell us? Nothing. So I have a theory to contiue with the one I posted previously: Nadia's been raised by ELENA, an evil being. It's only natural then that Nadia would have some phsychological and theological resemblances to Elena, what I mean by this is that they share in thoughts, ideas and other such things. I believe in this type of conditioning because when you grow up in an atmosphere with parents, their ideas, habits, notions and religious thoughts are all around you...seeping into your unconsicousness. So maybe Nadia is working with Elena, she was sent in to get close to Sydney. Burrow herself into the gang because she believes in the same things as her guardian had, or she could just be a pawn, whom Elena has manipulated. But I doubt it because she's...well there is just something about her. It could be that she has her father's spirit, or is that Elena's?
I've just rewatched the episode The Prophecy, and my theory before has been replenished. If Syd and Nadia fight over little B-V, then I'm betting that she'll have to bring about "utter desolation" using Rambaldi's workd to stop Nadia, whose to wake under the same conditions that she went into the comma with.
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