Monday, August 20, 2007

"Grandpa" Garber

I'm sorry but I had to post this picture (original source from, it's just too darn cute! I love how close Jennifer and Victor are in real life, we know their father/daughter bond on Alias wasn't just acting. :)


Tammy said...

It's been a long time since I posted here, but I love this picture too!! I saw it last week online. I love how cute Victor looks carrying that toy stroller!!

I've been re-watching SEason 1... I'm just up to the episodes with Quentin Tarantino - some of my favorites!! YAY! Oh, how I miss this show!!!

Page48 said...

I wonder if she had VG build her a crib.

SRM said...

I hear ya Tammy! I'm almost midway through season 2 right now.

hehe that is a cute scene from s5 when Jack's so proud of himself for putting together the crib, then they can't fit it through the door. :)

Girlscout said...

I love it Shan! Thanks for posting it. I miss VG and JG together. Glad to see they are still hanging out.

Page48 said...

I'm sure it's only temporary, but my laptop now sports "The Kingdom" wallpaper, complete with Jen in her FBI fatigues (fortunately sans the goofy shades), her gaze locked on me, looking like she's had just about enough of my worthless suicide bomber ass for one day.

uncle111 said...

The crib scenes is one of my favorites.
Wish the gang was back together on TV.

uncle111 said...

Crib SCENE...How embarrassing.

SKlaft said...

Does anyone else's head tilt at seeing Jack Bristow in this picture? I think Jack may have been doubled in the Helix Protocol, replaced by some Hollywood metrosexual.



uncle111 said...

Yes, Helix. That's the answer. I really want Jack Bristow to be real.

Bonkers for Bristow said...

Jack Bristow would never be caught wearing pink. Never.

Anonymous said...

Ask Jennifer (and Jaime Foxx) a question:

Page48 said...

Jack Bristow would not only never wear pink, but unless my eyes deceive me, he's also sporting a man-purse, and it's possible that a little lift and separate might be in order if a guy of a certain age wears a shirt like that. This is wrong on so many levels.

On the bright side, the relationship between JG and VG bodes well for them working together again someday. I'm in favour of that as long as it's not CRAP.

Girlscout said...

Victor Garber is gay actually. That is why he is so fabulous. You would never suspect watching him play Jack Bristow- but yes, he is a proud gay American actor. He is the king of musical theater.

SKlaft said...

No! No! That's not it. This is Jack Bristow, and he is on a deep-cover operation requiring him to dress and act in character among that social group. That cannot be a "man-purse." It is his operational laptop by which he descreetly contacts Assistant Director Dixon over a secured internet access port. He faked his death at the cave-in with Sloane in order to establish this new identity.

Yes. That MUST be the explanation.

Anonymous said...

Man-Purse? LOL. Okay there is nothing wrong with a man purse, but I thought that was your normal everyday backpack on his shoulder.

Also VG is a diabetic so that might explain his carry accessory.

I agree he is the king of musical theater. Did anyone see the TV version of Annie?

Girlscout said...

I didn't mean he is fabulous just because he is gay, I meant he is a fabulous actor- he is obviously very different in real life from his TV counter part- except in the where he loves JG. I am sure he loves her as much as Jack loves Sydney. Super cuteness!

Page48 said...

I had no idea that VG was gay, although there was that embrace with Will Tippen. I could have sworn that one lasted just a little too long. Oh, I should have picked up on that.

Now, GS, I don't really care if Jack was shagging Vaughn, but if you're planning on announcing that Jen is a tranny, please issue me the ultimate "spoiler" alert, because I would rather continue living in a fantasy world than deal with the crushing weight of such a revelation.

Victor Gayber? Who knew?

uncle111 said...

My nephew and his wife lived in NYC for a year (left a year or so ago) and while standing on a street corner waiting to cross, they were approached by VG and his boyfiend asking for directions. My nephew was so stunned that he could hardly speak.

Page48 said...

dlove, I watched some of the TV version of "Annie" specifically to see VG, but I didn't have the patience to wait for his appearance and the movie itself was of no interest to me.

I did watch "Titanic" 10 years ago, but at that time I had no idea who VG was, and I have no recollection of his role in that movie. I have 1/2 a notion to download that and watch it again one of these days.

Has anyone seen the clips of VG's old pop band from back in the day? If I'm not mistaken, they actually made an Ed Sullivan appearance. I saw that clip one day on "The View" , when VG was out promoting (in vain) that steaming pile we remember as "Justice".

Hmmm, just occurred to me that both JG ("Catch Me If You Can") and VG ("Titanic") have appeared in movies with Leonardo DiCaprio.

It also occurs to me, what with the endless promos for "The Bourne Ultimatum" showing up on TV these days, that I wouldn't mind seeing JG show up in a Bourne movie. Jason Bourne's previous girlfriend is dead, after all. I read a headline on the internet suggesting that Affleck would like to be a Bourne sidekick in a future flick. Maybe Matt Damon can give his friends' careers a little shot in the arm. I'm a firm believer that JG's highest and best use as an actor is NOT movies like "Christmas in Connecticut". I'm pretty stubborn about that.

SRM said...

yeah Titanic was the first time I saw VG too. When I started watching Alias it was odd to hear him speak w/o an Irish accent and I had a hard time accepting him as a hard ass CIA agent. Didn't take long for him to prove me wrong though, he will always be Jack in my mind!

uncle111 said...

He was also in the TV version of "The Music Man" a few years ago.
I kept hoping Jack would pop out and shoot someone.

uncle111 said...

Dumdy, dumdy, dumdy, dum.
Sitting around, anxiously waiting.