Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Day Time Talk?

Is JG coming back to TV? Could be...

According to People Magazine, Jennifer has been tossing ideas around for a day time TV show for moms. Check out the article here:

Jennifer Garner: The Next Barbara Walters?

What do you think? I say great for JG, but I would really love to see her in front of the camera. Maybe toting a weapon. Maybe a wig, I dunno.


Page48 said...

I would never recover from the sight of JG pandering to the daytime drivel crowd.

I believe an intervention is in JG's best interest (not to mention mine) if she is considering throwing her career down the crapper doing DAYTIME FREAKING DRIVEL.

Girlscout said...

I KNOW!! At least she wouldn't be on camera. She'll just be producing, which is good. And maybe this will make her restless, maybe it will make her want to get back into action/drama TV??? A girl can dream!

Page48 said...

FWIW, you can preview VG's new series here:

No sign of VG in the video clip. Plenty of the self-pleasuring George Michael, though.

Like JG, VG hit the jackpot with "Alias" and now there seems to be nothing left for them to do but piss away the Bristow legacy by signing up for goofy dramedy and daytime drivel.

I need a drink.

SRM said...

maybe if I was a mom this might hold some kind of interest for me, but at the moment I got nuttin'...

Girlscout said...

I'll have a gin & tonic Page.

Looks like Greg Grunberg, the fabulous Weiss on Ice is the only one who hit it big time after Alias- and rightly so. He never got good story lines on Alias, and the writers totally forgot about his relationship with Nadia in the end. And it looks like Merrin will be hitting bog soon, now that her show has been picked up.

uncle111 said...

Yes, wig, gun!!

Sorry if this sounds self-serving, but we need a writing campaign to beg her to produce and star in an Alias movie- mine or someone else's, I don't care. Even if it was a direct to DVD movie.

Girlscout said...

You know, I was watching one of the commentary episodes, it was one with all the actors present and really, they don't remember much from episode to episode. I mean, we get hooked on the story and they go home and memorize the next episode's script. They don't know much about the world they created. Interesting, huh?

uncle111 said...

That goes back to the writers discussions. For them, Alias was a job. For us, Alias was a work of art, like a beautiful painting or a grab-your-heart book, actually both. The creator of the art sees what went into making it. He has some appreciation of the finished product as art, but knowing everything that went into making it, he sees it more from the craft side. We, the fans, see it more from the finished side, the art side. Art always has more impact on you than craft does.

If a writer falls too much in love with one of his works, it will be difficult to move on to the next one. For all "craftsmen" the kick is in making, creating. You have to keep producing to feel alive, and to make money. A single beautiful painting may not satisfy it's maker for long, but it can be admired by viewers for centuries.

Page48 said...

So I can't help but wonder if all of our "Alias" cast members are as depressed as I am about the tailspin they are in, as demonstrated by this offering:

He used to be Michael Vaughn, "point-guy" he's male-bonding by the pool.

Ready for another G&T, GS?

Bonkers for Bristow said...

Please, God. Not a daytime show geared towards mothers! Doesn't the US pander to parents enough as it is? Does Jennifer have to join the ranks? I will be so utterly disappointed.

Page48 said...

Maybe JG will go broke producing daytime drivel and be forced to don a red wig and go back to work. Got my everlovin' fingers crossed. There's nothing hotter than a hungry spy-babe.

uncle111 said...

Hungry spy-babe- yes!