Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Bits 'n' Pieces

I love the French. I love French food, French music, French men. My boudoir is decorated in French décor, the walls lined with black and white photos of the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. Hence, I spied with my little eye the title for Episode 5.7, “Fait Accompli.” The term means accomplished fact and the definition states that it is an accomplished or presumably irreversible deed or fact. Interesting. Could it be speaking to Sloane and his pact with Dean? Could it be that Vaughn’s death is a fait accompli? Or perhaps it is referring to Nadia’s condition. Keep the title in mind as you watch tomorrow’s episode. Is there any significance of the title being in French? Is there a connection to Renee or Vaughn?


Kiki said...

Generally, "fait accompli" not only refers to something as a decision already made, or an act already done, but "its been done AND there's nothing you can do about it." The additional connotation being that whatever it was, the other party is not really going to like it. So I take that being the next title to probably not be a good thing. For someone anyway. It has a sort of manifest destiny feel to it.

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow's ep? You mean Thursday, hee.

SRM said...

huh...I wish I had some good insight on what this could mean but I'm stumped. I'll definitely keep it in mind when watching. :)

Girlscout said...

Thanks KLG for expanding on the definition. And yes, I meant Thursday's episode. I planned on posting that piece today, but I jumped ahead.