Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Alias Reunion

Nearly 9 years ago I started this blog as a place to chat about intelligent TV. The ABC message boards were a mess with lackluster fans who couldn't even wrap their brains around JJ's Alice in Wonderland references. We needed a forum where we could come discuss the very literary parts of Alias and of course all the kick-ass fight scenes. During the last 9 years, I have made friends with many of the blog followers- one even flew to Seattle and stayed with me for a few days on a layover to Canada. There are some I still chat with regularly and one I would even call one a very dear friend (though we have never met in person). This coming spring, we have planned a little reunion of sorts. I plan to fly out to Indiana and spend the weekend knee deep in CIA missions with Sara Fu, Des and Jenni! I could not be more excited about this trip- finally able to meet face to face, after all this time and experience Alias together, like we did in the beginning. The tentative plan is to watch Season 2, from the demise of SD6, thru Season 3 and the demise of Lauren Reed. Because of course, it will capture the rise and fall of Syd and Vaughn's relationship, the return of Will, a little double agent business and much more. I think it will be the perfect refresher for everyone. I want to give a special shout out to SRM who has been holding down the fort for the last 8 years or so, keeping this little blog going! And to Page48 and Uncle 111 for being the most loyal followers. Your ideas and conversation are what made this blog what it was and is and will continue to be... a safe house for the Alias intrigued.
This is Fu, holding baby Asher (who just turned 9 the other day!!) and Des, holding baby Tori. So excited to see them!!


  1. GS, great to see you back after 2 years of deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep cover (just woke up on a Hong Kong street with a lot of questions, I presume???).

  2. I thought that the mid-season finale for MAOS (written by former "Alias" scribe, Jeffrey Bell) was very good, but it's clear from reading reviews (like this one) that it would have had a MUCH deeper meaning to someone with a more intimate knowledge of the Marvel universe.

    I had zero reaction to Skye's real name being Daisy (other than to wonder if anyone called their daughter Daisy since 1950) and her father being Cal, when in fact, those details meant EVERYTHING to the storyline of MAOS.

    It's a brave new TV world with the proliferation of comic-based series on TV today, and unless you're the type to geek out on comics/graphic novels, a certain amount of homework is required to understand just WTF is going on.

  3. While he hasn't proved to be my favourite Doctor, by the time Christmas evening rolls around, I'll be ready for the annual DW Christmas special.

  4. Latest clip from SyFy for "12 Monkeys", featuring Nerd, Charlie Francis and that guy who's in everything.

  5. Syd worked at the bank. Turns out Agent Carter works at the phone company.

  6. Jen continues to add to her pitiful body of post-"Alias" work with her latest, upcoming snoozefest, "The Tribes of Palos Verdes".

    Accroding to Justjared.com, the movie, based on the novel of the same name, "centers on two teenagers, Medina and Jim, who move to the beach town from Michigan with their parents. Their mother (Garner) teeters on the brink of a nervous breakdown while their father becomes a surgeon to the stars.”

    In other news, paint is drying.

  7. Another featurette on "Kingsman: The Secret Service".

    Any worries that this might be a serious flick can be officially put to rest.

  8. Ouch, ratings for last night's POI (the first of what is becoming the annual mid-season 3-parter) established a new series low.

    I thought it was a good episode, except for that conversation btw. Root and The Kid, which just struck me as borderline ridiculous.

  9. Will tonight's "Covert Affairs" be the series finale? I guess, at this point, only USA knows for sure, but considering the direction the network took this year, it wouldn't shock me if they torched Annie Walker & Co.

    According to articles I've read, it seems that tonight's episode ends without a cliffhanger, so....

  10. Is it possible that "Alias" alum, Christian Slater, will finally have a series that lasts more than a dozen episodes?

    USA has plans for him, and they actually sound pretty decent.

  11. Wow, looking forward to tonight's S4 season finale of "Homeland".

    H has really rebounded this year after going off the rails a bit in S3. Killing of Brody and dumping his family has allowed us all to move forward and S4 has been excellent to date.

    Syd will always be my fave CIA chick, but Carrie Mathison is definitely high on my list as well.

    I had no idea who Claire Danes was when she first appeared on Letterman as a teenager almost 20 years ago, but I love her as the intensely brilliant but mentally shaky Carrie. Carrie is definitely NSFW, but pretty awesome nevertheless.

    And, hey, she and Sydney have the same middle name.

  12. 3 whole seconds of footage from Bad Robot's first HBO series, "Westworld".

    What is it with the Robot crew and remakes these days? I know they aren't having any luck with original material lately, but I'd rather see them keep trying than to resign themselves to freshening up other people's old ideas.

  13. Sam Axe guest starring as Santa on tonight's "The Librarians".

    I wanted this to be a decent show, but,unfortunately, it's basically just a silly load of rubbish.

  14. Bradley Cooper onto his 4th movie in 3 years with Jennifer Lawrence.

    It's okay BC, I've got a thing for her, too.

  15. So discouraging to see Sydney Freaking Bristow on my TV tonight flogging Capital One.

  16. It's only 30 seconds, but this is NBC giving us our first glimpse of their upcoming spy show, "Allegiance".

    At least on the surface, this series seems to be inspired by "The Americans"

  17. Having finished watching Peter Capaldi's first DW Christmas special, I must say that I preferred it to most episodes of his first season as The Doctor.

    And, good news that, contrary to earlier plans, this was not Clara's exit from the series, as she is now committed to returning next season. Let's hope the same is not true of Danny Pink, a character I found MOST annoying all year.

  18. At least one eppie of "Agent Carter" will be written by a former "Alias" writer/producer.

    1.03 "Time & Tide" is written by Andi Bushell ("Alias": "Fait Accompli" and "I See Dead People", both from Season 5). Not exactly classic "Alias" episodes, but them's the breaks.

  19. This being the Christmas break (or as I like to call it, 10 days of bad television), I've lined up a few movies to catch up on.

    Just finished "The November Man", starring Pierce Brosnan and "Quantum of Solace" Bond girl, Olga Kurylenko. As spy flicks go, I actually preferred it to Brosnan's Bond movies.

    I also recently polished off "I Origins", starring Brit Marling and 'Glenn' from "The Walking Dead". I liked it. Entertaining sci-fi, and certainly a pleasant alternative to "The Polar Express". Don't get me wrong, I like "The Polar Express", too, but I'm just sayin'.

  20. Somehow, I missed the excellent news that Jason Bourne will be back (albeit not till 2016).

  21. Continuing my Christmas break movie blitz, I watched "The Equalizer" tonight. Denzel doing what Denzel does. I only watch his movies when he's the good guy, which he almost always is.

    A bit ultra-violent in his methods of taking out the trash, but sometimes, in a world where we can't do much to clean up the world's mess ourselves, that can be kind of satisfying.

  22. The 3rd most pirated TV show in 2014 was "The Big Bang Theory".

    No wonder good shows hardly stand a chance, when this is what people waste their bandwidth on!

    TBBT is roughly the equivalent of fingernails on a black board to me. To think that people illegally download that rubbish scares me. It's why I lay awake at night.

  23. A little behind-the-scenes "Agent Carter" featurette with Hayley Atwell.

    If it's just half as much fun as the trailers make it look, it should be a safe bet for renewal. Cuz, let's face it, 8 eppies is not much of a vote of confidence from ABC.

  24. Yet another sneak peek at "Agent Carter". Slightly more restrained than some of the promos we've seen.

  25. Page,

    Yes, we should jump the conversation to the latest post group.

  26. And, for my final Christmas break movie catchup, I watched "Guardians of the Galaxy". Thoroughly entertaining. Still can't hear more than a trace of Bradley Cooper in the raccoon.

    Zoe Saldano, we've seen her blue in "Avatar" and now we've seen her green. Not the first Bad Robotian we've seen in green (Rachel Nichols in "Star Trek"). Not Saldano's first movie with BC.

    Amy Pond, barely recognizable, but she acquitted herself well. Ditto for Merle from "The Walking Dead".

    Still, when all is said and done, how about a movie that isn't based on a comic???

  27. Slowly but surely working my way through my "Fringe" rewatch.

    S3 may be my favourite season, particularly following OurLivia while she is trapped Over There. I love this shot of her in the gift shop when she first comes to grips with the fact that she is indeed really living in a world where she does not belong.

  28. Uncle, I wonder if it's too soon to add Agent Peggy Carter to this dangerous pair.

  29. First 9 minutes of Nerd's new show, "12 Monkeys" available online.

    Yup, I'm up for some of that.

  30. Dixon's new show, "The Returned" debuts on A&E on March 9th at 10:00 p.m.

    Whether or not he's a series regular, I guess only time will tell.

  31. Another spy show eats it.

    "Covert Affairs" officially done and dusted. Not even a short final season to wrap it up.

  32. Soooo, apparently Sarah Shahi is preggers with twins and that's why (insert spoiler here) in last night's episode.

  33. Basically, cast and crew of POI giving Sarah Shahi a sendoff.

  34. Next week, H50 matches "Alias" with its 105th episode. Unlike "Alias", there is no end in sight for H50.

  35. Someone connecting dots between "Agent Carter" and Sydney Bristow.

  36. Just finished "Fringe" 3.06 (aka the Marshall Flinkman episode). The one where Marshall was a shape-shifting bad boy with different coloured eyes and died in a pool of his own mercury. Great stuff. "Fringe" really hitting its stride at this point in the series.

  37. Today's no-brainer news: "Scorpion" renewed for S2

  38. First look at 'Dixon' in his new gig. He doesn't have a lot to say in this clip, though.

  39. None other than Chuck himself will head up the new "Heroes: Reborn".

    I gave up on the original "Heroes" when it became too ridiculous for words.

  40. Excellent start to "12 Monkeys", IMO. A number of the reviewers I read had a hate-on for it, but just as many thought it was great.

    As with any time-travel show, a second viewing of each episode is likely to be beneficial as the series goes on.

  41. FOX is getting all crazy and stuff.

    Seems they're fully up for a return of "The X-Files", "Prison Break", and a Kiefer-less version of "24" (since Kiefer has stated "never again").

    I suggest they might just as well give "Firefly" and T:TSCC the chance they deserved while they're at it. And, S6 of "Fringe"???? Why not?

    Now, if ABC was similarly nostalgic, S6 of "Alias" wouldn't go amiss. Whether anyone would notice is another matter.

  42. Huge turnout for BC's "American Sniper", along with a 'Best Actor' Oscar nom.

    I have zero interest in the subject matter and won't need to see the movie, but it's good to see someone from "Alias" getting it done.

  43. TV's kinda disturbing love affair with comic books has landed us a new "Supergirl".

    And, of course, Netflix is all over this trend, with some comic book overkill of its own.

    I just don't think this is necessary.

  44. Latest teaser for USA's upcoming "Dig".

  45. No sign of Carl Lumbly in the cast photos for "The Returned". That can't be a good sign.

    There is, however, a cast photo of Agnes Bruckner, 13 years after appearing on "Alias" as Kelly McNeil.

  46. Decision made.

    I'm going to claim the not-so-coveted 47th comment. No shocker, I suppose, considering the current Chernobyl-like atmosphere here at LTA.

    I missed out on the speculation that BC's name was being tossed around as a successor to HF as a new "Indiana Jones" (remember if you will that I used to toy with the idea of a post-"Alias" JG having a future as an Indiana Jen type of figure, which, given what we know now, is just utterly laughable).

    Now, we have speculation that Chris Pratt is a potential candidate for taking over the role.

    Aside from "Gaurdians of the Galaxy", I have no idea who CP is, but I must admit that I never really considered an "Indiana Jones" reboot as a possibility.

  47. This is the Google Translate version of a french article claiming that ABC is closer to a return of "Alias" (2016) than FOX is to fulfilling its recently expressed interest in bringing back "The X-Files" and "Prison Break".

    I don't know who their source for this rumour is but I think we can safely file this under baseless "bullsh!t". And, as to the question of whether or not Bradley Cooper would be on board for this fantasy reunion, I think the answer is the french equivalent of "get real".

  48. I don't think it's any secret that S2 of "Sleepy Hollow" has been a case of lunch-bag letdown.

    Any coincidence that "Alias" personnel (Orci/Kurtzman/Olin) bailed after S1??

    On a similar note, how will MI5 fare without "Alias" writers on board for the first time since MI2 back in 2000?

  49. Former Robots Orci/Kurtzman, and Cooper get pilot order from CBS for "Limitless", in which BC's character from the movie of the same name will solve cases for the FBI.

    While Jen will not be involved directly with the project, rumour has it she may DVR the show for later viewing, while she waits at home for a decent role to fall from the sky.

  50. There's only 1 thing that matters about the Stupid Bowl and I think we all know it's not football.

    It's trailers, like these two for:

    "Terminator: Genisys", and "Insurgent". Of course, thanks to Youtube, we don't even need the Snooze Bowl to see the trailers and promos.

    The only other thing that matters about the "Big Game" is that we have to wait till it's over (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!) to see the return of "The Blacklist".

  51. Jack Bristow calendars and other crazy "Alias" products for anyone who give a toss. And I know no-one does.

  52. Tomorrow's return of "The Blacklist" has this guy sorta/kinda trying to convince himself (and others) that TB is the equal of "Alias" and that Megan Boone's Lizzie Keen is the equal of Jen's Sydney Bristow.

    I don't buy it, but this guy is entitled to his opinions, even if they're all wrong.

  53. Fringies Anna Torv and Akiva Goldsman are re-teaming for a "horror-thriller" that, frankly, doesn't sound all that exciting. Horror-thrillers seldom sound exciting, but we'll just have to wait and see.

    AT has mostly been working back home in Australia since "Fringe" ended, doing what I would consider not very interesting movies.

    There was a story that she was in the running for the lead role in "The Walking Dead" spinoff series, but is no longer in the running for that. I could have gotten fully behind that, but the role has already been given to someone else.

    Hopefully there is a great TV role out there for her in the near future (one that doesn't involve playing a lesbian yoga instructor).

  54. Well, I haven't heard anything out of LTA in a while. Maybe I'm just not receiving notices?

    Looks like Bradley Cooper's new movie is set to be the biggest one in history. Pretty good!

  55. I have now seen a new twist on 47 twice. It occurred on car plates on 2 different tv shows in the form of 4T7. When you say 4T7 you get the same thing as when you say 47.

  56. Uncle, "Agent Carter" has a 47 up her sleeve in the season finale.

  57. VG reiterating that we won't be seeing him playing Jack Bristow again (not that we were expecting to).

    In fairness, maybe it's just because he considers that Jack is dead (stop that crazy talk, VG), and he didn't rule out appearing in a prequel, which would certainly not be my first choice for a new "Alias" project.

    I believe he would happily appear in a prequel, since VG is not at all shy about doing TV. Either way, it's not on, IMO.

  58. Page,

    I don't know if the 47 thing will ever die. I've seen it several times this season on different shows.

  59. Take Bad Robot off the case and suddenly "Mission Impossible" doesn't know what to do with itself.

  60. Yet another trailer for USA's "Dig".

    Now that USA has torched "Covert Affairs", this may end up being the only show they have worth watching (notwithstanding the possibility that the Christian Slater show might amount to something).

  61. Page,

    Have they cancelled CA?

  62. Page,

    Oh, good! My Christmas decorations are still up, both at home and at my store. :) No joke.

  63. Uncle, no matter how hard you try, Santa won't be back until December. That's how he rolls.

  64. Page,

    There's always hope. It springs eternal, you know.

  65. Victor Garber getting involved in a new "Arrow"/"The Flash" spinoff.

    I wish I could say I was excited, but like I keep saying, there are just too many superhero/comic book shows (and movies) coming on board these days.

  66. How about another helping of conspiracy?

    NBC has a decent looking series, "Odyssey", debuting on April 5.

  67. Spock/William Bell dead at 83.

    Also starred on the TV version of "Mission: Impossible" back in the day.

  68. Marshall Flinkman sighting in the opening scene of "Better Call Saul" 1.04

    A bit part, to be sure, but 5 minutes more TV than Jen has done since 2006.

  69. Jen is "ready to head back to work".

    Rom-com hell, here we come!

  70. A decent looking trailer for a movie I've never heard of, called "Ex Machina".

  71. Well, Here's why we haven't seen Shaw on POI lately.


  72. Here's another Shaw update video.


  73. Hmmmmm, Uncle, I'm thinking you didn't receive a lot of the new LTA comments from earlier in this blog post, (i.e. "Covert Affairs" cancellation and the Sarah Shahi baby stuff).

    I don't get my updates by email (actually, I'm not even sure how to do that). I always go to the site to see what's new.

  74. NBC's latest spy effort, "Allegiance", ditched after a scant 5 episodes.

    Having seen all 5 episodes, I must say that, while I appreciate the effort to bring a spy show to TV, this show was too ridiculous to ever have a chance at success.

    NBC will now replace "Allegiance" with Melissa George's show, "The Slap", which, IMO , might as well have been cancelled in the same news release. Sorry, Melissa.

  75. I watched the first episode of USA's "Dig". Online reviews have been brutal, I must say.

    Still, I didn't find it as bad as all that, and I will certainly keep watching. It is a short series, after all.

  76. So, with "Nikita" out of the way, Maggie Q, gets her new show (which I don't watch), and opts to marry her new co-star.

    Reminds me of Anna Torv and Mark Valley (almost the same age difference, too). Gotta love Hollywood.

    Meanwhile, speaking of Nikki, "12 Monkeys" is now providing work for 3 "Nikita" castoffs, with Xander Berkeley showing up for the first time this week.

    Unlike Maggie, her former co-stars have landed on a pretty decent show.

  77. Page,

    I don't know why I didn't get those posts by email. It has always worked well in the past.

    I think you can set it up for email where you set up your profile.

  78. New trailer from Damon Lindelof's "Tomorrowland". Looks like it could be fun.

    Good to see Bad Robotians writing stuff that isn't about people wearing capes.

  79. Dixon makes his return to series TV tonight on A&E's "The Returned", a remake of the French show, "Les Revenants". I saw the first eppie of the subtitled French show a while back, but did not continue watching.

    What is still unclear from IMDB is whether he's in for just 1 episode or a series regular. I'm guessing he is NOT a series regular based on his MIA status in any cast photos that I've seen.

    What IS clear is that there is a fair dusting of Bad Robot powder on the American version, including Lumbly and "Alias" alum, Agnes Bruckner, as well as Mark Pellegrino, and of course, Carleton Cuse and others.

  80. Page,

    I'll have to watch the clips you posted soon.

    I just watched TBT for the first time in over a year. There just isn't any better television.

  81. And how young does VG look at the cemetery scene at the end of TBT? Just a reminder of how long it's been.

    Just saw him on the season premiere of "Motive" this week. Not a show I watch, but I stuck around cuz he was in an early scene.

  82. "The Americans": soooo many delicious things coming together. Things are gonna blow up (in a good way) before this season is over.

    And, like "Alias", they dipped into Fleetwood Mac's "Rumours" album this week.

  83. "The Blacklist" treats us to one of those Dr. Barnett flashback recap episodes tonight. Not my favourite episode format.

  84. Watching Carl Lumbly on "The Returned" tonight. It's not that he hasn't appeared on a lot of stuff since "Alias", but aside from his "Chuck" episode from 2008, this is only the 2nd time I've seen him in anything since "All the Time in the World".

    Just for the record....no cornrows.

  85. I've been watching 1st season of Alias and just finished "Page 47." I've been using my boxed set dvd's and have been having trouble with some of the discs. This next episode acts like it isn't going to play. After looking at the disc I think the way the holder for the discs is constructed is damaging the surface of the discs.

    Aside from that It's been great fun.

  86. Uncle, bummer about the DVD. One hates to replace a Box Set because of a bad disc.

    Orci/Kurtzman have their latest leading man in Kris Lemche (I never heard of him either, but looking at his IMDB page, I guess I have seen him here and there). The real question is, am I interested in watching a remake of "Tales From the Darkside"? I vaguely remember the old version, and I don't think it was something I would be anxious to revive.

    With "Covert Affairs" done and dusted, Hill Harper has signed on to Orci/Kurtzman/Cooper show, "Limitless" (as has Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio).

    Meanwhile, JJ rents his name out to yet another pilot, "Dead People". Sounds pretty iffy to me and I wouldn't expect it to set the world on fire.

    June 30 at 9:00 p.m. sees the debut of "Zoo", from "Alias" guys like Jeff Pinkner, Josh Applebaum, Andre Nemec, and "Fringe" director Brad Anderson.

    Bad Robot is unfortunately a splintered group these days.

  87. Hot off the press today is the first full trailer for "Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation", or for those of us in a hurry, MI5 (not to be confused with the British MI5).

  88. Alberta Watson died on "La Femme Nikita", she died on "Nikita", and now, unfortunately, she has died in real life.

  89. Wanna go nuts? Google "Jennifer Garner" and "The Expendables".

    My prediction? Not gonna happen. I absolutely believe a TV version of TE will happen, but JG will not be part of it. And, frankly, TE is really not JG-worthy, IMO. It's a nostalgia piece, kinda fun, but light on substance.

    Still, would I watch? Absolutely!

  90. Wow, here's a cynical take on why "The X-Files" is returning this year.

    Me, I don't really care. I'll take some more TXF, whatever the motivation for producing it. And, hopefully it won't suck.

  91. "The Last Ship" getting ready to set sail for Season 2.

    Hey, ship happens.

  92. Page,

    Thanks for the updates on MI, JG (and oh how I wish they would make another season of Alias, for whatever reason they want), The X Files, and the Last Ship. I had wondered if LS was coming back.

    I have been having fun rewatching Alias. It seems fresher than last time.

  93. Uncle, is it too much to ask for (I mean more "Alias")?

    This year alone we have the officially announced return of "The X-Files", "Twin Peaks", and "Heroes". We recently saw the return to TV of "Dallas", "Arrested Development" and "24".

    "Veronica Mars" and "The Equalizer" hit the big screen last year.

    And these are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head, so again I ask (with fingers crossed), is it too much to ask for?

    Although it's been 13 years since Mulder and Scully laced up the skates in series form, they have done 2 movies since then and have always stated a willingness to come back at the drop of a hat. I sense no such interest on the part of anyone associated with "Alias", unfortunately.

  94. Page,

    Really baffling!

  95. Marshall Flinkman sighting on tonight's "The Blacklist". That's 2 sightings in 3 weeks for KW.

  96. Not only did "The Blacklist" feature Kevin Weisman, but it was also co-written by J.R. Orci.

    The last TV episode featuring KW and co-written by J.R. Orci (because inquiring minds want to know)?

    "Alias" 5.14 aka "I See Dead People" from May 16, 2006.

  97. Bond, James Bond. Trailer for "Spectre".

    Haven't got a clue what's going on but there it is.

  98. I couldn't tell what was going on in the new Bond trailer either, But I bet it's going to be good.

    Have you seen the trailer to the Man From U.N.C.L.E. movie?

  99. Uncle, I saw the UNCLE trailer a while back. It looks pretty good.

    I have just the vaguest memory of the original show back in the day, so I don't know if the trailer gives an indication of how true to the original it will be.

    I still wish that the Bradley Cooper rumours would have come true. I think he could have been great in this. At least Bad Robot is represented with Jared Harris.

  100. I was just reading some more about the return to Mulder and Scully and it reminded me that my Sunday evening used to consist of back-to-back "Alias" and "The X-Files".

    Those were the days.

  101. Page,

    I've ended up being happy with the cast. I also liked the trailer quite a bit. Someone I know who was involved in the film and who has seen the finished product (and who was an original fan of the series, worked as an extra and now owns many of the show's props, large and small) told me that they reworked the show. I'm guessing Guy Ritchie did with MFU what he did with Sherlock Holmes -- great films, but not a replica of the original.

  102. A little something new re: "Terminator: Genisys".

  103. Awsomey little tribute piece celebrating the recent 10th anniversary of the rebooted "Doctor Who" series.

  104. Skye going all Sydney Bristow at the end of tonight's MAOS warmed my cold cold heart.

  105. Debut of "American Odyssey" ("American" was added to the title in the wake of the popularity of "American Sniper") tonight at 10:00 p.m. By 11:00 p.m. we should have an idea whether it's any good or just another mess with a great trailer.

    Just me thinking out loud here, but...the lead actress is Anna Friel, a 38 year old from England. Wouldn't a 43 year old American (in keeping with the title of the show) woman with the initials JG look good in a role like this? Oh, silly me.

  106. Surely Mrs. Affleck could get a gig on this show.

    "Incorporated" sounds like it might be decent. With Damon and Affleck in charge it certainly won't have a right of center slant to it.

  107. Page,

    I guess Jen's action role days are over.

    Put on another Alias DVD and have a drink. :)

  108. I'm on season 2 right now, BTW.

  109. Jen's action days are over indeed. My satellite company has a free preview going on a movie channel and I just stumbled on Jen's "Butter" from 2011. I could only take about 10 minutes of it because I was just too embarrassed for her.

  110. Some new hype for "Tomorrowland".

  111. Checked out the first (of 13) episodes of Neflix's "Daredevil". I thought it was very good. I'm not really on the lookout for more comic book shows to watch, but I think I will finish off the remaining episodes when I get a chance.

    Neflix is also going to role out 4 more Marvel shows, but I don't know if I have the appetite for those or not. The next show to be unveiled is "AKA Jessica Jones", which was supposed to be an ABC shows a few years ago.

  112. I've been reading for a couple of years now about the cross-platform (TV/Movies) production of Stephen King's "The Dark Tower". It's been on again, off again. Now it seems to be on again and this time in the hands of Akiva Goldsman ("Fringe") and Jeff Pinkner ("Alias"/"Lost"/"Fringe"). And, of course, some guy by the name of Ron Howard is also involved.

    I'm not familiar with the King book(s), but with those guys involved, it sounds like something I would certainly be checking out.

  113. I don't know if you have seen the trailer for Guy Ritchie's upcoming Man From UNCLE movie, but this car site posted a video of the UNCLE car from the 60's TV series, and as it turns out, that is a video that I put together and placed on Youtube several years ago. http://www.roadandtrack.com/car-culture/entertainment/videos/a25016/video-the-man-from-uncle-trailer-guy-ritchie/

  114. Nothing says 'espionage' like gull-wing doors.

  115. Yet another "Terminator: Genisys" trailer.

  116. I'm thinking I'm in for the new Terminator movie.

  117. Page,

    Thanks for the post about Daredevil. I'll give it a try.

  118. Uncle, the first 2 episodes of "Daredevil" are written by someone we're all familiar with (not necessarily for the best of reasons).

    Drew Goddard was responsible for the outrage that was "All The Time in the World", as well as a few other episodes of "Alias".

  119. Fairly new clip of USA's "Mr. Robot" (which is a crappy name for a TV show, IMO).

  120. Another excellent season of "The Americans" is in the books and the Jennings family is coming apart at the seams.

    I still maintain that Philip will ultimately choose family over his fading Soviet loyalties. Elizabeth? I'm not so sure. She's pretty much a remorseless killing machine and now she's got a serious problem at home.

  121. I'm in S3 of my Alias rewatch.

    Also, glad to see that Marshall has a new home on The Blacklist.

  122. Uncle, Marshall was very much "in character" on TB as well, I could not help but notice.

  123. Page,

    That's what I thought too. My thought was, "It's good to have Marshall back!"

  124. Hey, maybe they could do a guest spot for a Syd character using JGA.

  125. Uncle, it seems they're diving into the Russian-operative-mother pool, so why not go all in?

    I notice J.R. Orci has co-written both of the Marshall eppies. He must have KW on speed dial. I'd like to see him get more than a couple of minutes, though.

  126. Just finished the last 2 episodes of NBC's "Allegiance". It was axed after 3 or 4 episodes, but NBC streamed the remaining episodes online.

    It was actually very entertaining. Crazy unbelievable, but in a good way.

    Now, the search continues for the next spy show, preferably one that can last more that 13 episodes.

  127. Page, I hadn't heard of that one. I'll check into it soon.

  128. Uncle, fortunately with "Allegiance" (as with most new shows I guess), the 13th episode acts as a reasonable facsimile for a series finale.

    And, it adheres to the my-mom-is-a-Russian-operative theme which is the foundation of any self-respecting 21st century spy show.

  129. Lots of "Alias" people involved in "Zoo", but honestly, I wonder if there isn't a better use of their time (and I don't mean another Spiderman reboot).

  130. Wow, a big-ass "47" on a big red door on MAOS tonight. Totally random occurrence, I have no doubt.

  131. One of the best Buffy speeches (hard to nail down on video), accompanied by a great Christophe Beck soundtrack.

  132. Looks like a great setup for the season finale of "The Blacklist". I wish they did more of these high-stakes cliffhangers during the season like "Alias" used to do.

  133. Page,

    I didn't think I was going to like TBL when it was first on. But my sister encouraged me to watch and now it's one of my favs. I'll catch the latest on in the morning while working at my desk.

    Also, thanks for the great pic from Alias.

  134. Aw, yes, the "Hello" picture. It never gets old (even though it's getting old).

    In Bad Robot related news: Orci/Kurtzman/Cooper's "Limitless" is ordered to series by CBS, but CBS has yet to renew POI (I suspect that will be a no-brainer)

  135. Bunch of trailers for NBC's new fall shows.

    "Blindspot" and "The Player" are the only ones that strike me as potentials, with "Blindspot" having the edge, IMO

    Bad Robotians include Melissa George (I didn't even bother watching her 'medical drama' trailer) and Philip Winchester (Altlivia's boyfriend) in "The Player".

    "Blindspot" strikes me as a repackaged "The Blacklist".

    Sullivan Stapleton ("Blindspot") and Philip Winchester ("The Player") are both coming off the thrill ride known as "Strike Back", which airs its final season sometime this year.

  136. FOX's Minority Report" looks like a possibility for the fall.

  137. Wow, I thought FOR SURE that POI was going to eclipse "Alias" for total episodes, but it's not looking likely now.

    CBS has renewed POI for a mere 13 episode fifth season and I think we all know that's another way of saying "Thanks For 5 Incredible Years".

    If that's it, POI will finish with 103 episodes, 3 ahead of "Fringe" and 2 behind "Alias". That will also spell THE END for Bad Robot's uninterrupted presence on network TV since 2001. (Barring any new shows getting the green light for next season).

  138. Still need to catch up on some of your links Page, but had to post, again, about the "72 hours earlier" scene of the season opener of season 4 of Alias. What a scene!!!

  139. One of my favorite moments from S4-- Marshall in hushed tones, "Sloane is here."

  140. Trailer for ABC's "Quantico".

    Looks pretty decent (if you can set aside being clobbered upside your head by political correctness).

  141. First trailer for Orci/Kurtzman/Cooper's "Limitless".

    Unlike JG, BC isn't above returning to the small screen, if only in a recurring role.

    And, I don't know, do we really need "Supergirl"? I'm on the fence for now.

  142. First trailer for VG's new series, "Legends of Tomorrow".

    Obviously, this is the "Arrow"/"The Flash" spinoff that I'm really not sure we need. As it is, I rarely watch "The Flash".

  143. So, LOT is basically MOA + Dr. Who.

  144. Uncle, "Doctor Who" seems to be well represented in the whole Arrowverse.

    "Arrow" itself has 'River Song' and 'Jack Harkness' and now LOT has 'Rory'.

  145. Prepare for a very long wait for the next episode of POI. Looks like the shortened season won't return until 2016.

  146. Yet another trailer for "Tomorrowland". Looks like a hoot.

  147. Having finished watching S1 of "Daredevil", I wholeheartedly agree with this take from Rotten Tomatoes:

    "“Daredevil” may fumble through some subplots, but overall it allows Marvel to break another ceiling, leaving the likes of “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” “Arrow,” “Gotham,” “Agent Carter,” and other ongoing comic book TV shows looking puny and disheveled in comparison."

    "Puny and disheveled in comparison" for sure. Pity the networks can't up their game to this level.

  148. Newish trailer for "Zoo". Technically, I guess it's a 'sneak peek'.

  149. Looks like Grunberg is back for "Heroes: Reborn".

    It's not like he had anything else going on.

  150. "You have to listen to me".

    Yup, that was an amazing scene with Syd and Dixon. But that was also a line in the "Supergirl" pilot. Of course it lacked the context and gravitas of the "Alias" scene, but, hey, they still used the line.

    I'm not good at waiting, so when I heard that "Supergirl" 1.01 was (probably intentionally) leaked, I sought it out and watched it.

    I was initially skeptical that TV needed a show about SG, but I found the pilot very enjoyable. I can pinpoint at least 2 reasons that I thought it was a good pilot. First of all, I love the choice of actress Melissa Benoist (who??) to play Kara/Supergirl. She's smoking hot (not that there's anything wrong with that), but she also brings a lot of charm to the role.

    Another reason I liked it became clear to me when I checked the writing credits. The episode was written by Allison Adler, better known to us as the writer of much of the first 3 seasons of "Chuck" (nuff said).

    The pilot featured a number of familiar faces, and in a neat twist, has Kara's earth parents played by Dean Cain ("Superman from Lois and Clark") and Helen Slater, who played Supergirl in the 1984 movie.

    Several other familiar faces appear as well (only 1 "Alias" alum that I noticed).

  151. Mulder and Scully are back, "Heroes" is back, Jack Bauer was and will be back, and now the "Gilmore Girls" want back in the game.

    Surely, our day will come.

  152. And, speaking of our day coming, here are 2 very recent articles that show that we aren't the only ones thinking an "Alias" resurrection would be a welcome event.

    Article One

    Article Two

    Victor Garber is coming around to the idea......slowly.

  153. Page,

    I think I might like Supergirl. And as far as an updated Alias series...ABSOLUTELY!!!! I'm in S4 of my recent rewatch. I wonder if there is someone I could get my screenplay to as an idea for a way to put it all back together. Even if there is not, I love the possibility of bringing it back.

  154. USA has made the pilot for Christian Slater's new show, "Mr. Robot" available on their website.

    Comments I've read on various sites are VERY positive regarding the pilot, with some people dropping the b-word (brilliant) and some others using the a-word (awesome). I'll try to watch it at work tomorrow where the internet speed is more up to the task, since it clocks in a just over an hour.

    P.S. I gotta say I like the wider comment box. Let's see how long Bloggers keeps that around.

  155. With "Covert Affairs" done and dusted, it's showrunners were in need of a show. Now they have one in CW's upcoming "Containment".

    I gotta be honest, I think I would prefer another season of CA.

  156. I finished off the pilot of "Mr. Robot". My first impression was that is was less of a "thriller" than many bloggers/reviewers had indicated. I thought the pace had a tendency to plod much more than I was led to believe. Still, it looks like the type of show that could go down a pretty decent rabbit-hole, which has a lot of appeal for me.

    Turns out Christian Slater is the title character, but he didn't have a huge part in the first episode. Bad Robot has dual representation. Obviously, Slater from "Alias" and the young hacker appeared as a doctor in an episode of JJ's "Believe" last year (or whenever). The story seems to be told in his POV. It remains to be seen whether he rises to the level of hero (assuming the show will have one).

    I'll definitely be watching to see where this goes, but this is definitely not your Mama's USA Network anymore. Blue skies have been replaced by f-bombs, and "Mr. Robot" stops well short of the charm of a "Burn Notice" or "Covert Affairs".

  157. Page,

    I've been watching Daredevil and just started Mr. Robot. Interesting, but neither is captivating or as good as our recent past favs. I'm also in S5 of Alias.

    Life will never be the same on almost any level as the best times of life past. So sad. At least we now have DVDs!!!!!!

  158. Uncle, what I find most disturbing is that the people who gave us the previous decade's most compelling TV are now almost exclusively working on comic book adaptations or movie franchise reboots or bringing other people's novels to the small screen or even delivering Americanized versions of foreign TV shows. This is the state of Bad Robot today.

    For that reason alone, I hope "Mr. Robot" amounts to something because, at least, it's created from scratch. But, right out of the gate, it lacks the magnetism of a show like "Alias".

  159. Apparently, Marketwatch has been following the Affleck divorce chatter for as many years as I have.

    This guy seems to have given the financial ramifications a lot of thought. Personally, I just want to know if, once shed of Ben, Jen will be motivated to course-correct her career-gone-horribly-wrong.

  160. Another one!

    FOX is bringing "Prison Break" back. Surely, all we have to do is wait.

  161. Page,

    I saw a gossip rag in Walmart the other night that had the Jen and Ben story on the front. I was sad to see another marriage break up, but I was surprised this one lasted as long as it has. I imagine Jen is who held it together this long.

    Speaking of Jen...you'll see her several times in this video. I like this song and saw another such video using this song earlier today. I am predisposed to loving this kind of thing, but I would have shortened this one and cut particular scenes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWwlFgtiG7g

  162. Jen doing the Thriller dance could never get old. Although I'd rather see her doing that at a club with Will and Francie.

  163. Mild "Supergirl" Spoiler Alert:

    Supergirl about to utter the last word from season one of "Alias". Every show worth its salt has a Mom Moment.

  164. Trailer for Matt Damon's "The Martian", which also stars Jessica Chastain.

  165. Eddie Vedder. awesome performance of "Better Man" on 3rd-to-last David Letterman show.

  166. New "Man From UNCLE" trailer.

  167. Thanks Page. I posted it earlier on my UNCLE gun FB page. I'm getting excited about the movie.

    I'm nearing the end of Alias S5.

  168. Page, I edited together the current two trailers for The Man From U.N.C.L.E. movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_yS2OIbXWY

  169. Uncle,that's half the movie right there. Actually, I was looking around for the run time for the movie, but I don't see it listed anywhere yet.

  170. Not to be quoted -- approx. 118 min.

  171. 118 minutes is good. Nothing I hate more than settling in for a good movie and it's over in 90 minutes.

  172. Hmmm. Anna Torv in a "political thriller" sounds interesting. Should be fun trying to find a way to watch this Aussie miniseries

  173. You might try here once an episode has aired. http://watchseries.lt/letters/S

  174. "The Last Ship" returns tonight with a two-hour season premiere.

  175. I guess USA liked the response to the "Mr. Robot" pilot, cuz they've already renewed it for S2.

  176. New "Supergirl" trailer. Footage is all from the pilot episode.

  177. It's not Bad Robot, but it may be as close as we get to some old school Bad Robot for a while. It's "Zoo" and it debuts tonight at 9:00 on CBS. Unfortunately, it's not original material, cuz that seems to be out of the question these days.

  178. Carl Lumbly was not in the pilot for "Zoo", but has a recurring role. Caught a glimpse of him in the preview for upcoming episodes.

  179. All I can say about this article on Forbes is ABSO-FREAKING-LUTELY!

    It's about time somebody not named Page 48 manned up and stated the obvious. I just hope Jen reads this before it's too late.

  180. Some more blunt talk on Forbes re: Jen's career trajectory (or lack thereof).

    This guy says (about 25 times) that the back to back debacles of "Daredevil" and "Elektra" are what not only sunk Jen's career battleship, but essentially wiped female superhero roles off the map for 10 years following. Hey, maybe "Elektra" is the reason we can't ever hope for a "Black Widow" movie.

  181. Recent TIME interview with VG. One paragraph of "Alias" content.

  182. To borrow a quote from "The X-Files", "I want to believe" this.

  183. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I've been gone a long time, but saw this recently on Previously.TV and had to wonder if the writer was one of us. I admit, I raised a fist in salute to the brilliance of this article and if I knew how to share my support, I would!


  184. jzmsvm, thanks for that great link. I agree with much of the sentiment of that piece, but I have trouble accepting that the last 3 seasons could be washed out to clear the decks for a reboot. I understand the motivation for wanting to do so, but as "Alias" musical contributor Bob Dylan once said, "the dogs are barking and what's done is done".

    The last few years have not been kind to Bad Robot's TV division, largely, I suspect, because those projects have had little input from either JJ or his (mostly now departed) "A" writers.

    An "Alias" reboot without "Alias" writers might not be everything we hope it would be, but then again, we won't know till we try.

  185. Q: What do Sydney Bristow and Supergirl have in common?

    A: Shauna Duggins

  186. Was Duggins JG's stunt double?

  187. I wonder if JG has been AWOL because she chose to be with her kids for a while, or if Elektra did make her damaged goods in the action area. I have liked the movies she has done since that I have seen, but I could certainly use some action. And as far as Elektra goes, I think most of the blame for that should rest with writers, directors, producers, etc. She is a good actress, but if the script. direction, etc. are poor you shouldn't blame the actor.

    But, it is what it is.

  188. This isn't Alias, but a new trailer for the Man From UNCLE movie is out. It is just over 5 min. long and is a good one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_Ky4KPzKwY

  189. Uncle, Duggins was JG's stunt double/stunt co-ordinator for many of her ventures, including "Elektra", as well as occasionally doing the same for Agent Sarah Walker (remember that "Supergirl" has strong "Chuck" connections) and Agent Olivia Dunham.

    I don't think JG has been AWOL, so much as she's been mired in a decade long slump. I agree that "Elektra" was a stinker through no fault of Jen's. It was just a lackluster story. Speaking of Elektra, a new one has just been chosen for S2 of "Daredevil".

    I'll check out that UNCLE trailer when I get a minute tonight.

  190. Just another thought re: JG. I forget which of those links I posted suggested that Jen turned down the role of Alice Eve on "Star Trek: Into Darkness", supposedly because of her objection to being stereotyped in the girlfriend/mom role yet again, but I would ask her if she thought that "Arthur" or "Butter" would look better on her resume than showing up on a Bad Robot summer blockbuster.

    I think this is why that one article says that she should sever ties with her agent. Someone in her camp is making brutal choices, whether it's her or someone else, we may never know.
