Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Return....

Ahem, excuse me...hello? Anyone there? This is GIRLSCOUT speaking!!! Yes, I know, I've been radio silent for about, hmmm, say 6-7 years maybe. I've been thinking a lot about my Alias days and I've been reading over old posts and strings of comments and I can't believe how unbelievably amazing this little site is. I've missed the discussion and the sharing, and while our favorite show is long gone, there is still so much about Alias and new television programming to discuss. This will not be a full blown resurrection, as it were. But it will be the slow start of something great. I am excited to be back in mission-status and hope you'll stick around to see what's next. Hey, SRM?! I remembered my log-in and password!!!


  1. Welcome home, GS. I thought you were going to say that you haven't posted for 'almost thirty years".

    And, yes, there is always something new (or old) to discuss, although, in recent years, LTA has come to mean 'Let's Talk Anything'.

  2. Thanks Page. It's nice to be back. I was reading over some old posts and it made me all excited and giddy again. Let's get talking...

    Also, if you are a member of any message boards or other blogs, perhaps we can spread the word about LTA and get a bit of a group together. I want to get back to knee deep discussions!!

  3. Welcome back! I was wondering what happened to you! I don't post too much anymore, but still have good ol Let's Talk Alias in my Google Reader! :)

  4. Hey Girlscout! Great to hear from you, welcome back!! :)

  5. Girlscout,

    I'm so not used to more than one topic at a time. Welcome back!!!

  6. YOU GUYS!! I I'm sorry if someone else posted this in another thread I'm not following, but Netflix streaming now has Alias... IN HD!! I just watched TBT, holy crap it's gorgeous in HD. But, be prepared, they must not have had the rights to reproduce some of the non-original music used because some of the songs have changed. "Man's Woman" hasn't, thankfully, but yeah, it threw me off a bit knowing that episode inside-out and then hearing different music. Anyway, thought y'all would want to know. :-)

  7. Wow, SRM, that's bizarre. I can't imagine them swapping out one tune for another. I would have thought that once music was inserted in a TV show, it was there to stay.

    "Alias" in HD? I'd long since given up on that. That is good news.

  8. Are the DVDs in HD? If not, I wonder if they will issue an HD edition.

  9. bad, just commented on the wrong post. :-| I don't think the DVDs are in HD, but I'm not positive. I also checked to make sure Phase One does indeed still start with Back in Black in the Netflix version. :)

  10. In Episode One when Syd and Danny are talking about kids, in the original airing of the show The Cranberries (Never Grow Old) is being played. However, in the HD version on Netflix another song is being played. Does anyone know what song that is?

  11. Donnell, I haven't seen any of "Alias" on Netflix, but I've read plenty o' comments on other forums about how annoying the music changes are. I mean, seriously, no "Vertical Horizon" in the closing cemetery scene? That's just wrong. Did they ditch Sinead as well? Yikes.

    So, which is better? Watching in HD with a bizarro soundtrack or watching in standard definition with the proper tuneage in place?

  12. Definitely go for the original music and non-HD. The music is WAAAAAY more important to the mood.

    BTW- one of the security words I'm to type in is 47G...or is that 476? Guess I'm fixing to find out:)

  13. Uncle, I agree. Original music trumps HD.

  14. Did anyone know the song that replaced Never Grow Old?

  15. LLH, I've yet to "Alias" on Netflix. When I have a desperate need to know who sings what, I always try to Google the lyrics and see what pops up.
