Monday, September 14, 2009


For your reading enjoyment I thought you'd be interested in's Top 10: Female Spies. Of course my first thought when I saw the link on was "ooo Syd better be on there," and then realized these were REAL not in TV-land...hehe. Makes for an interesting read!


  1. I like my spy-chicks to be slightly more nubile (and preferably under a 100 years old).

    And where's Julia Child? At least I've heard of her.

  2. Hehe. Easy mistake to make, SRG -- I'm sure I would have thought the same thing ;)

    Ah, and I just knew Mata Hari would be included -- #1 no less!

  3. Good question about Julia Child, that was some surprising news when that was revealed...

  4. Well, who knows if "Dollhouse" will be any better this year than it was in S1 (pretty please with sugar on it!), but I like the effort Whedon has put into casting S2.

    Pulling in more "Firefly", BSG, and Buffy actors will certainly create a different look for this season, whether or not they can break away from the sleep inducing stories that plagued most of the first 12 eppies. And how long can it be before Tricia Helfer, Gina Torres and Nathan Fillion show up? Or Buffy herself??

    This is in stark contrast to FOX's other 'hit show', "Fringe", which aside from casting Spock in a recurring role, continues to sport a supporting cast of people known only to their immediate families.

  5. The bottom has fallen out of Victor Garber's world. I know this because I watched 5 minutes of "Glee" tonight just to see what he was up to.

    Jack Bristow, if he is indeed dead (and I don't believe THAT for a minute) is spinning in his everlovin' grave.

  6. Ah, so while there is still no news about ALIAS' release on BluRay (what the hell is going on!?), it seems MV's limited-cinema-release-crocodile-thriller, "Rogue" is heading there on October 6th.


  7. Just saw JG on Leno. Wow, did she look good. And how tall were those heels? How can anyone walk in those?

  8. I caught the part where she rhymed off the Red Sox starting lineup. I haven't seen the Afflecks at a Sox game in years. Maybe they've moved up to a private box or something.

    She looked spectacular, as you say, Uncle, just too bad about her career.

  9. I took solace in her implication that all is not hunkey dorey in the domestic world. Perhaps she will get tired of working at the pre-school and decide to get back into the movie world. And after playing with kids all day, perhaps she'll decide a serious action movie is just what the doctor ordered. After all she's still got the arms for it...

  10. Bonkers, I don't see much hope on that front, according to IMDB:

    "The Garden of Last Days"

    "The Devil in the Junior League"

    3 Days in Europe

    I thought 3DIE sounded promising until I starting seeing stuff like "romantic adventure". Of course, it's far from complete at this point so who knows?

  11. Anonymous12:58 PM

    From what she said on Leno about their lives right now she is more focused on her private life, being a wife and mom, than on her career. I think for her that is very admirable and I applaud her for it. It doesn't do much for us, and I wish the two could get together somehow.


  12. You can watch JG on Leno here.

  13. And here is a working link to my Rambaldi ring (version 2) on eBay.

    I'll make them cheaper for anyone here who wants one.

  14. Uncle, I'm all in favour of Jen having a family and raising great kids, and I think her values are refreshing in these days of Kanye West and his ilk. Even while doing her family thing, Jen is staying relatively busy. It's the material she chooses that confounds me.

    I would not want to deny her the opportunity to do comedy (or pantomime if that's what turns her crank), and frankly, who better to work with than Ricky G., who I think is wonderful (I also appreciate the fact that he enjoyed is "Alias" experience enough to want to work with Jen again, very cool, IMO).

    However, I would be much more inclined to sit back and enjoy "The Invention of Lying" if it was the comedy just before the release of her next thriller/adventure/action piece. It's her reluctance to get serious that kills me. As Bonkers said (paraphrasing), she is built for action/adventure, and that won't last forever, so I'd like to see her get on with it.

    On another note altogether, I just read that the viewership for "Heroes" season debut last night were brutal compared to last year. I feel much better for having dumped that show last December. Too bad, though, because I really thought it could amount to something after its debut.

    "Warehouse 13" season finale tonight, which means I won't see it till Thursday night. Let's hope it's a good one.

  15. "I growl at anyone who wants me to do something while I'm with my kids," she says. "I say, 'No, I'm at home, back off!' Then when I'm working and out of the house, I am in work mode. That's when Ben is there, the other half. We've tried really hard to switch off. So far it's working. I've chosen jobs that weren't as demanding as some can be."

    *sigh* there's her explanation of her somewhat horrible film choices...

  16. "Fringe" gives a nod to "Alias" by unveiling a recurring character named Sam Weiss.

    Not to mention the fact that a Season 1 regular character was killed in 2.1 and his identity assumed by a shape-shifting double. No word yet on whether or not he likes coffee ice cream.

  17. Not sure how many of you will catch this, considering the time differences, but IMDB's Movie/TV Quote of the Day features our very own ALIAS today:


    Half a can only. I don't want to come back to a fat dog.

    Head on over to check it out -- you only have 24 hours! :P

    (Seeing that has made me so happy, yet so sad -- I can't put into words how much I miss this show).

  18. ha, that's pretty cool, go IMDB. Funny how the tagline for the entire series is listed as "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." I've never heard that used in relation to Alias...

  19. Page,
    Alias got Weiss from The Pretender (star of show- Michael Weiss), and Fringe is picking it up from Alias. I wonder if Weiss is the new 47?

  20. Okay, I couldn't not.

    Following IMDB's ALIAS quote the other day, we coincidentally have this one...


    It doesn't matter what Lucy said. I stopped trusting her after she stole my poprocks in the third grade.

    ...from JG's, 13 Going On 30 (aka Suddenly 30).

    Just saying!

  21. Ha, how funny! Someone's on a JG kick :)

  22. Good point re: Weiss, Uncle.

    Re: being on a Jen kick, about 2 weeks ago Space (Canada's version of SyFy) rolled "Daredevil" followed by "Elektra", while a few channels away the Women channel was showing "Catch & Release" followed by "13 Going on 30".

    Pity Jen can't provide the specialty channels with better material when she is obviously on programmers minds.

  23. I realized today just how deprived I am of fresh Sydney Bristow screen time. I was in Blockbuster using a free rental coupon and seriously considered putting down the latest X-Men DVD in favor The Ghost of Girl Friends Past.

    Good cow! Someone help us. Please!!

  24. Ouch, Uncle. GOGFP? I feel your pain. Can't go wrong with "X-Men", though, even if the third installment is a little too final for my liking.

    I thought the pilot for "Flash Forward" was decent enough to keep watching (at least for a while).

    "Dollhouse" 2.1 was marginally better than Season 1, but there's no way this is going to enjoy a long run unless it realllly picks up.

    Next up for me is the "Stargate: Universe" debut on Friday.

    In the movie department, I just watched "District 9", which is bizarre but entertaining, and, when I get a minute, "The International" is next.

  25. Yeah I hear ya Uncle, I'm ancy for some JG screentime too. Although I did watch the trailer for The Invention of Lying the other day and that looks pretty funny, I may actually go see that in the theater...

  26. Although it is technically October 1st over here in Australia (which is significant for other reasons... ;P -- S/V shippers will know what I'm talking about!), I can't help but make note of the fact that for all you internationals who are a day behind, it was 8 years ago today that our beloved spy-series first premiered.

    *sigh* Where did all those years go...?

    I'm sure it has been done before, but what are everyone's memories of the ALIAS premiere?

    Where were you?
    Did you watch with anyone?
    What did you think?
    How did you react?
    Did you think it would become one of the greatest television series?

    Any other thoughts...?

    [Actually, SRG, this might make for a great new post on the main page?]

    30.09.01 -- still remember -- 09.30.01

  27. I like it, new article coming up in the next couple hours (will do on my lunch), stay tuned w/ your premiere stories!!

  28. Anonymous11:20 PM

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