Monday, November 28, 2005

Classic Sark

At the ripe age of 21, David Anders joined the cast of Alias as the devilishly delicious Brit, Julian Sark. From the moment he murdered the leader of the FTL, Sark has been Sydney Bristow’s number fan, as well as her most playful antagonist. He has played negotiator with Alexander Kassinau, Covenant benefactor and errand boy, ungrateful son of Lazarey, sidekick to Kazari Bomani and Lauren’s little boy toy. He’s kissed Sydney, shaken hands with Ana Espinoza and talked haircuts with McKenas Cole. He’s a man of many talents and many allegiances. Julian Sark will return this season, running and jumping into the sack with our girl Rachel, while once again egging on the agents of APO. What is Mr. Sark up to? Who is he working for? What role will he have in the reported 5 episodes he will be appearing in during the last season of Alias?

Last we heard, Sark was able to escape Sydney and Vaughn, while turning Ana Espinoza over to the CIA. He’s burned many bridges, how is it that he is still alive? Still operational? He’s always had a connection to Sloane, is it possible he is working with Sloane again? Let’s hope we get some answers…


SRM said...

Mmmm, nice pic GS, Rachel is one lucky, lucky girl. ;-) I'm very curious to learn about what Sark's been up to and what he's currently involved in. I wonder if he seduces Rachel knowing she's APO or if he really liked her, that would make it a bit more complicated, which I think could be cool.

Girlscout said...

I agree SRG. I think it would be cool if Sark had no idea Rachel was APO and then felt used or betrayed by Rachel, thinking maybe she knew who he was. HAHA. I just love Sark, I can't wait to see what happens.

Tammy said...

I was excited to see that Sark was returning. He always adds some intrigue! I hope, for one, that he doesn't know that Rachel was APO - it's time he gets some of what he's dished out in the past!

Girlscout said...

Nice Tammy. I agree! Let Sark get the wool pulled over his eyes for once. I can't wait!

Kiki said...

I'm re-watching Season 3 right now and have been thinking about Sark. Sometimes he almost has puppy-dog eyes, and I couldn't help but think, "Poor Sark. All he seems to really want is a girlfriend." There was his attraction to Sydney, and his bravado and attempts to impress her, to no avail. Then he had Allison Doren, but that turned out to be a short lived affair. Then he met his equal in Lauren Reed. He seemed to fall pretty hard for her only for it all to come again to a tragic end. I know Sark is a "bad guy" but he's the kind of bad boy that women love. The kind we think, "sure he's bad. But with the love of the right woman..." We love his bad side, but are convinced the right one could bring out his good side. Even though we know a reformed bad boy just isn't as much fun. Sark- we love him BECAUSE he's bad.

M said...

Here's the big question - Sark is always seen as "evil"... but in Season 1, he worked for "the Man"... which turned out to be Irena... we've never seen Sark interact with Irena (I'm pretty sure), but if she was his first allegiance, how sure can we be that he is, in fact, a "bad guy"? (Afterall, Irena always seems to have her act together, and seems to be a pretty accurate judge of character, how could she be tricked by somebody so low in her hierarchy?) He's always noted for switching allegiances, but perhaps he's always been in the Derevko payroll, always acting in Syd's best interest? He's had opportunities to kill her, and yet as skilled as he is, never has... interesting thought to ponder... I wonder if he'll end up being on the right side?

SRM said...

ooo, very interesting m! We seem to forgive Jack and Irena easily for their "evils" because they always seem to be in Syd's best interests. If Sark is really loyal to Irena, who he told Syd was "like a mother" to him in s2, then maybe he isn't truely bad, hmmm...

SRM said...

ooooooooooooo :)

Girlscout said...

Hmm, Irina and Lazarey? Interesting, but makes sense given the Rambaldi connection. Irina is just having kids everywhere! Sark is younger than Nadia, we do know that. If Irina "died" when Sydney was six, that means that Nadia is 6 years younger than Sydney right? Making her 26? Because Syd is 32. And if Sark is to be David Anders actual age, he is 23. Hmm. Any ideas? But then again, Sark says something to Lazarey about beating his mother and leaving them, and I can't see Irina taking a beating. Giving, yes, taking, no. Unless Sark was raised by someone not his mother.

ss2867 said...

Aaw 2 b kissed by him. What a lucky girl.