He is a loyal servant of the US of A, former military deceived by Arvin Sloane. He is Sydney’s right hand man, played CIA Director for a spell and his whole family fell victim to the Covenant. Marcus Dixon is a whole-hearted American, focused on bringing down the evil of the world, and he’s smooching on CIA Director Chase. But is he harboring a secret agenda? Is there a dark side of Dixon that has been hidden by his love for Sydney and his children? Is his outward soft side balanced out by an inner darkness?
We first meet Dixon as Sydney’s loyal partner. We come to find that he is in the dark when it comes to the true workings of SD-6 and its allegiance to the country. We plead with Sydney to tell Dixon the truth and when she finally has no choice, he grows bitter and resentful. He returns to save her and joins the real CIA.
When Diane is killed in revenge for Emily’s death, Dixon goes on a Vicatin binge and switches the results of his drug test. This is the first time we see Dixon’s desperation and lack of control, up until that point Dixon had always been the rock. After Sydney returned from her missing 2 years, Dixon kept the truth from her, to protect her; complete role reversal from the first season.
It has been mentioned in several spoilers and speculations that Dixon may have turned on the CIA and that this season we will see a different side of Dixon, a sinister side. Dixon, as a character, has always distanced himself from the Rambaldi plot line, other than hacking into Project Blackhole for the Rambaldi box to save his children. If he isn’t involved in P5 or Rambaldi, what is he involved in? Is it connected to Sloane? Is he in on it alone? With Jack? What is next for our American hero?
ooo, that's a freaky picture you found for Dixon! :) I'm not sure what to think about him. We all know he has a crazy temper after the way he beat the one guy up when he was looking for Sloane, I hightly doubt he's involved w/ anything w/ Sloane because of what he's done to Dixon in the past. I don't know what would provoke him to turn to the "dark side", but it would be an interesting twist.
I would be really sad if Dixon turns out to be a part of one of the bad groups such as prophet 5. I really like and respect his character, in spite of the temper we have seen. But, as we all know, Alias can go any which direction, so I wouldn't be surprised if we see him involved in something on the "dark side".
I've always liked Dixon because he is such a straight arrow. I think with everyone having a twist it's nice to see someone like Dixon for contrast, but knowing Alias and after what happed with Vaughn it's completely possible.
i think dixon's deep hatred for sloane is evident in every season and in every match-up between the 2 of them. in my opinion there is no WAY he is working for sloane or ever has since SD-6 - his role at APO is one of watching Sloane and waiting for him to misstep....
i don't think dixon is bad as in evil-bad...but i could see there being a plot twist. there's always that thing that he, jack, and weiss might be up to.....
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