It came and it went, in grand spy tradition. It revealed truth, covered up secrets, it pulled at our heart strings, and got our blood pumping. Alias has returned. And I want to talk about it.
This blog is for Alias fans. Not the whining, complaining "I miss Vaughn" fans, but for the fans who love to pick apart the episodes, dissect the characters and discuss the television genius that is Alias. No bad-mouthers, no Jen Garner/Ben Affleck haters. Just fans with something positive and interesting to share.
Let's jump right in...we all watched the same episode right? So, it surprises me that so many people had such a different reaction or focused on so many different points. I felt it was clear that Vaughn hadn't really met his demise, but it seems so many missed that. "He's dead, I hate the Alias writers" seems to be the message board consensus, but I on the other hand, think other wise. Kudos to the writers. Bravo. You lead us straight back into the core of Alias. Nothing is as it seems, no one is really ever dead and Syd, though slightly bulging in the belly, is still kicking butt with her knee to the groin kicks and her strong words.
So, the very first topic of this blog is...dum dum dum...Do you think the season 5 premiere upholds the creativity, the action and mystery of previous Alias premieres? How so? Did you catch the clues? (More on clues later...)
Hello! This is SReneeG from the ABC boards, thanks for posting your blog! I too find it interesting that so many different perspectives came from last night's episode. I thought it was a great episode, had everything - comedy, romance, drama, action, my impression was Alias has returned! (although I didn't dislike the past two seasons as much as others seem to). Anyway, the clues I picked up on that Vaughn isn't dead are:
1. He never ran when the shooter was shooting the other guy, he just stood there kind of waiting for it to happen.
2. Someone pointed out that Syd was giving Vaughn a drink right before he "died", something to fake a heart stopping maybe?
3. Syd was definitely not as emotional as she was when Danny died. The way her and Jack kept looking at each other tell me they're in on a coverup.
4. Just a personal thing, killing off such a main character in the season premiere just doesn't seem like jj's style, seems more like a story setup and we'll see where it goes from here. :)
Good point Jen. Vauggn's been shot before, remember, by Sark in the hallway before the building exploded. That man doesn't go anywhere without his bullet proof vest. And yes, he just stood there, watching the man shoot Lehman and then shoot him. I also felt that it was staged.
The anticipation is killing me!
Another good point Jen. I hope you hang around the site after the next eppy airs. I am feeling like eppy 2 will open up a whole can of worms for us to dig through and talk about. Thanks for coming in and commenting.
Thanks for conttributing IsabelleBV. Oh, and I just got your screen name, cute! Great to have you! Be sure to check in tomorrow for a whole new round of updates and discussions.
well i was all alone first of all which was horrible (in a hotel traveling for work where i had to excuse myself from my clients at an early hour to make sure i saw the show, even though i have TIVO at home!!!)
also i had the chance to watch part of the filming of this episode and so i was really convinced that vaughn was NOT dead because i had seen them shoot scenes from a later the show lacked the drama for me because i thought i "knew" he wasn't dead. well then i got home from my trip and my husband had noticed that in fact the scenes we had seen being shot WERE in that episode so he could have been dead after all....then i got to experience what everyone else did who watched the first he dead? is he not???
i watched the premiere 5 times in a row (due to various friends who had missed it and watched on my tivo) and was just so sad watching vaughn die (not in a whiny way but a SAD I LOVE VAUGHN AND HATE TO SEE SYD SAD WAY!!!)
i have to say i JUST discovered this blog today and i absolutely love everything about alias and jennifer g .....
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