Monday, May 01, 2006

Alias Soundtrack Update

Hi All,

For those of you lucky enough to make it on the list for copies of the Alias Soundtrack- here is an update:

I have finished downloading and burning all songs onto my laptop. This coming weekend I will be hitting up Walmart to purchase blanks CD's, CD cases, padded mailing envelopes and postage. I hope to burn at least 5 sets (or 10 CD's) per night over the next 2 weeks. I will be sending them as they are completed, so some of you may recieve yours before others.

If you have not donated to the Soundtrack fund- please do. There is a PayPal link in the right hand column under my stats link. You are welcome to donate as little or as much as you want.

For those of you who weren't able to get on the list- no worries. I will be offering the soundtracks again, once I finish with the first batch. Thanks!

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