Monday, June 19, 2006


YAHOO!! There has been word! It has not been confirmed on ABC or on Amazon, but this site had a blurb on Alias and the season 5 DVD release. Check it out!

Thanks to Rudy for scoping it out!!

PS. When you check out this link, check out their link to the Alias-Media article. Scroll to the bolded copy at the bottom of the article....

Says Gersh, "We learned early on that we had a special opportunity with 'Alias,' and we intend to develop it over time -- even after the show's first run is off the air."

WHAT? What does he mean "first run?" Does that mean there is going to be a second run? Thoughts?


Anonymous said...

Sadly, I think "first run" is used as opposed to "re-run" not that anyone is anticipating a "second run" as in new Alias episodes.

blah said...

i have to go with mommer on this one.

Girlscout said...

I thought maybe they were speaking of Alias in a different capacity- like a spin off or something

Anonymous said...

GS, I wish there were a re-run, Alias left me wanting more, but not the way that the other eppies left me wanting more, like I got gipped and I want more...Am I making sense?!

Girlscout said...

I get ya Anon- gipped is right. The other eppies left us wanting more because they ended with cliffhangers. The finale left us wanting more because it was anticlimatic.

blah said...

YES!! after over three weeks of waiting my alias book finally got here! *runs to read the book*