Monday, March 06, 2006

Ooh, ooh child... (A Picture Article)

Things didn’t get a whole lot easier for Sydney Bristow after this particular episode. She begins having dreams laced with images from her two missing years, she is taken into custody by Lindsey and tortured and though by the end of the season Lauren is dead and Vaughn is hers again- she discovers her father killed her mother.

Oh, the travesty that is Sydney Bristow’s life. The girl’s been through hell, but continues living her life to rid the world of the evils that threaten everyone. This scene, though slightly depressing, is so physically representative of Sydney’s emotional state. She is coping with her missing two years and the search for her life during that time- but in the back of her mind is Vaughn and the fact that he is married and in love. It was easy for us to hate Lauren and Vaughn in this moment, as if they were rubbing their love in Sydney’s face, but it was necessary in the storyline. One, the writers had to make us see Lauren as a women in love with her husband, as a helpless victim of the Covenant and the two years that Sydney was missing. Also, they had to make us feel sad for Sydney. We had to feel her solitude, her loneliness in order to appreciate the moments between her and Vaughn. Then they would be able to throw the twist at us and it would even be more shocking.

The music, too, was very representative of Sydney’s state. “Ooh, Child, things are going to get easier…” And though things didn’t necessarily get easier, it was nice for Sydney, and for us to believe it would.


SRM said...

That was a hard scene, you could tell by the look on her face how much Syd longed to be the woman holding and comforting Vaughn at that moment. She was so torn between her love for Vaughn and her respect for his marriage and (at that time) Lauren. Syd has gone through so many emotional rollercoasters that I know I'm not the only one hoping it all ends happily for our fav spy.

SRM said...

haha I knew what you meant jenn :) and yea I totally agree that her wanting to take things slow and respect Vaughn's grieving over being betrayed was important to her.

Anonymous said...

lol omg.. what a coicidence. but did anyone watch the first episode of "the unit". ( *cough with scott foley cough*) lol it played the same song. lol